Hallinan Library
Library News
With the holidays almost upon us it’s a good time for students to explore the Wheelers eBook and audiobook platform. The boys have access to over 1,500 eBooks and over 500 audiobook titles through Wheelers and these can be downloaded to any device while they have access to the Internet. Once downloaded they can be used offline perfect for taking to sporting events, on planes and long car trips!
All students have accounts which are activated using their school credentials. Please note that there is a platform specifically for the senior boys (https://bps.wheelers.co/) and a primary eLibrary (https://bpsprimary.wheelers.co/) dedicated to the primary boys. If using the ePlatform by the Wheelers app, ensure the correct library is selected for successful access.
Navigating is easy, and settings can be adapted to filter content for individual reading preferences. Library staff are always available to assist if further explanation is required.
The holidays provide a great opportunity to explore the eBook and audiobook collection and to borrow hard copies from both school and public libraries.
We would also like to remind the Year 12s to return any books they currently no longer require. As per usual there will be textbook collection tubs available for returns during the exam period. The earlier books are returned the easier it is for library staff to prepare them for use by the incoming cohort. Any books lost or not returned will require replacing and invoices will be sent out before the end of the year.