Primary School News
Last week's Grandparents' Day was a huge success in the Primary School
Primary School News
Last week's Grandparents' Day was a huge success in the Primary School
Over the course of 2018, we have transitioned to Continuous Online Reporting. As a parent, you are able see your son’s grades, read feedback on a specific task, read formative comments regarding their progress in a subject as soon as it is marked either through SEQTA or on See Saw. Teacher's comments are based on what has been achieved, progress made and areas of improvement that are in line with the Achievement Standards from the Australian Curriculum for your son’s year level. During the term, your son’s teacher is also in contact with you in a variety of ways such as SEQTA messages, informal and formal conversations, emails and phone calls.
Parents are encouraged to contact teachers directly through SEQTA for follow up communication or to arrange a more formal meeting to discuss the progress of their son(s). A PDF summary statement of results will be provided at the end of each semester and downloadable through SEQTA. The next summary statement of results will be issued in December for R – 6 students. This will also include a pastoral/wellbeing end of year comment. If you need any further support to access and use your SEQTA parent portal, please contact Mr Paul Mason: Any feedback can be directed to me.
It has been a term full of events and excursions from the outstanding Music Concert and ABODA Festival to the Star Gazing Evening, the Disco, Swimming lessons, Fathers’ Day Stall and Liturgy, Grandparents’ Day (pictures below), The ELC Liturgy and Celebration of five Years in operation, Student/Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations and there has been some teaching as well! On a more serious note it is opportune to thank our wonderful and hard-working teachers for all their efforts this term – they will deserve their two-week break.
To our families who have been so supportive of the ELC and Primary School, we thank you sincerely. We were pleasantly surprised at the huge turnout for the Fathers’ Day Liturgy and the massive attendance at the Grandparents’ Day. And lastly but not least the children have been much more settled and seemed to have been working hard to improve in all areas of the curriculum and beyond.
I hope you all have a relaxing time with your children and get a break from your usual routine. And hopefully the boys will be able to tell you the four rules of holidays.
Mr Frank Ali