From the Deputy Principal, Secondary

Congratulations to Ben Taylor, Lewis Larwood and Jack Slaven on their recent sporting achievements which were acknowledged at our recent assembly (full story in the Secondary Co-Curricular article)

From the Deputy Principal, Secondary

I imagine there will be a few families hurriedly packing for a holiday over the next two weeks. Currently, our cultural tour of Italy is underway and whilst your packing may be for a local adventure, it still involves a fair degree of planning. If you are anything like my family, it feels like we are going for many months with the amount we pack! Upon our return we pledge to show a great degree of rationalisation in future packing endeavours!


Holiday packing is an apt metaphor for life and one that Jesus captures in Wednesday’s Gospel when he advises his disciples to ‘pack light’. In fact, so light that they are free of the trappings and distractions of life that has the potential to weigh them down.


Our senior boys pack a lot into their life. I speak with boys who care for siblings, work part time, play sport, study, game, socialise and even attempt to sleep. Eventually, something must give because of the over compression of their life. Living a balanced life is critical to wellbeing and academic success. Over this holiday break I encourage you to speak to your son about his commitments and distractions that may be over burdening him. Rationalising what he packs into his day (and taking on things that give him life!) is the beginning of positive wellbeing, life giving spirituality and academic success.


If you would like more information about mental wellbeing and young people, please click on the PDF links below.



Cultural Tour of Italy

The Blackfriars Italian Cultural Tour departed on Wednesday evening for a 21-day tour of Italy focusing on the linguistic, artistic, religious and culinary beauty of Italy. Please keep the students and Mr Stanborough and Mrs Cardone-Muzik in your prayers and we look forward to hearing of their adventures upon their return.


Wishing a safe, happy and educational trip to:

Harry Catley

Elexander Day

Oscar De Vizio

Carlo Dichiera

Luca Dichiera

Adam Grant

Gianni Macolino

Tristan Oakes

Jayden Seidel

Frank Snelling

James Tibbits

William Wright


Term 4 (Advent Term)

We look forward to welcoming our students back in summer uniform on Monday 15 October for the commencement of our final term for 2019. There are numerous farewell events and award ceremonies over the course of Advent Term and we invite you to revisit our school calendar for any events that pertain to your son’s year level. This calendar is available on SEQTA and can also be accessed via the following link:


Year 12 Schedule

A reminder to families of the schedule for Year 12 students for the rest of 2018. This schedule was sent to all families and students at the end of Term 2 via SEQTA direqt message.



Term 3 (Assumption Term) Reporting for Years 7 -12

Over the course of 2018, we have transitioned to Continuous Online Reporting. As a parent, you are able to see your son’s grades and read feedback on a specific task as soon as it is marked. Teachers comment using either the achievement standards of ACARA (R – 10) and SACE performance standards (11 – 12). In addition, teachers will provide professional advice on how your son can improve.


During the term, your son’s Home Group Teacher sends two direqt messages to your SEQTA inbox that focus on Home Group and Pastoral Care activities. Parents are encouraged to contact teachers directly through SEQTA for follow up communication or to arrange a more formal meeting to discuss the progress of their son(s).


A PDF summary statement of results will be provided at the end of each semester and is downloadable through SEQTA. The next summary statement of results will be issued in December for all R – 11 students. Year 12s will receive a summary statement of results in Week 3 of Term 4.  If you need any further support to access and use your SEQTA parent portal, please contact Mr Paul Mason


Carly Ryan Foundation – Cyber Safety and Gaming Addiction

The Carly Ryan Foundation will be presenting a Parent Information Session on Wednesday 6 November at 7:00pm in the Fr James O’Doherty Performing Arts Theatre. The focus will be on cyber safety and gaming addiction. We encourage parents to please make the time to attend. Further information can be found via the following link:


Please RSVP to Mrs Mandy Varricchio: 


Have a wonderful break and thank you for your support over Assumption Term.


Mr David Ruggiero