Primary Co-Curricular
Primary Co-Curricular Report
Welcome back! Term 1 is a very busy time and there is lots of new information to digest, especially for the new families within the school. The co-curricular program is already in full swing. Please find some information about the program below.
All families from Reception to Year 7 should have received Co-Curricular Nomination forms by now and returned these to class teachers with the chosen pursuits clearly marked. If you haven’t done so, please return the form as soon as possible. I have collated the information from these forms and the following teams have been nominated into Primary competitions for Term 1:
- Year 6/7 Cricket
- Year 3/4/5 Cricket
- Kanga Cricket
- Primary B1 Tennis
- Primary B2 Tennis
- Year 3/4/5 Tennis
- Soccer 2 Sports (Clinic based – not entered into competitions
- Water Polo is facilitated through the Secondary School
A file is attached with the coaches and training program for this term – Term 1 and 4 Coaches and Training Program.
Trainings and Meetings
All teams were scheduled to get under way this week but the hot weather meant the cancellation of Tuesday night practices. Students should keep an ear open for announcements relating to meetings which will take place this week with their coaches. Important forms and contact details will be distributed at this time.
Tennis and cricket matches will begin on the weekend of Friday 16 – Saturday 17 February. Can I stress to families the need to be on time for both drop offs and pick up before and after all games or trainings.
Commitment, Communication and Courtesy
It is essential that all boys who have nominated for a chosen sport uphold the commitment that they have made to the group in regard to training and games. In the advent that you are unavailable for a particular session, your coaches require the courtesy of a call or message at a suitable time that will not leave the team in a difficult situation. Please communicate with your coaches/managers and give them the courtesy of a call or message so they can make alternative arrangements.
Australian Rules Football and Auskick
For the first time in my knowledge, Blackfriars has been unable to gain enough nominations to field a Primary football team at any level, nor provide an Auskick Centre for the Junior Primary. Nomination numbers were insufficient to enter a team in the SAAS competitions. I encourage any boys that nominated football to consider participating in one of the other pursuits offered. A letter will be sent home to families with further details.
Hot Weather or Wet Weather Cancellations
In line with SAAS heat policy for South Australian schools, if the forecast temperature in The Advertiser newspaper is 35 degrees + between Monday and Friday, all co-curricular trainings or games will be cancelled. Families can find this information on the SEQTA portal in the notices section. Students will also be notified before 9.00am in order to make the necessary arrangements for collection.
Should training or games be cancelled due to wet weather, the sporting coordinators from the affected schools will make a judgement call, generally by lunchtime of the day in question. Sometimes wet weather strikes just before game time. In this instance, families are expected to travel to the venue and check in with the coaches on the state of play.
Swimming Trials and Swimming Lessons
A group of 35 boys attended the Primary Swimming Trials to gain selection in the Primary Swim Team. Well done to all boys who attended. The successful team will be announced next week with information being sent home.
The Year 5 and 6 students will be participating in DECS swimming lessons in Week 4 of this term. Parents should expect to receive information about these sessions later this week.
If you have any questions about the Co-Curricular program please contact me on the details below.
Mr Nick Cheary
Primary Co-Curricular Coordinator or 0410 686 496