From the Development Office
From the Development Office
It is with a great sense of pride that I tap out this message as my contribution to the first newsletter of the year. When I graduated from 17 Prospect Road as a Year 12 student in 1990, the possibility of one day returning to Blackfriars as a staff member would have been one of the furthest things from my mind. However, over the past 17 years working to develop communities in several other schools, and observing closely how this has been done throughout Australia and New Zealand, it is a great privilege to return here, to my own community, and undertake that same task.
By way of an introduction to my role, a new position for Blackfriars, I thought it might be useful to share with you just what Development is in an education setting.
Development is a strategic, integrated method of managing relationships to increase understanding and support among an educational institution's key constituents, including old scholars, friends, government policy makers, media, community members and philanthropic entities of all types. Development (also referred to as Advancement in many institutions) typically encompasses four areas of an institution’s operations: Enrolments, Old Scholar & Community Relations, Marketing & Communications and Fundraising.
Typically, my professional colleagues and I work on behalf of our institutions to:
- promote the institution to prospective students, their parents and others with a view to securing enrolments;
- communicate about the institution with those who have a stake in its success, including community members, business leaders, government officials and the media;
- engage alumni in the life of the institution as volunteers, advocates and supporters; and
- secure financial support from potential donors committed to the mission of the institution.
At Blackfriars, these tasks are undertaken by the members of the Development Office, with myself as Director; Jon Harmer working with our Old Scholars and local community stakeholders; Joanna Rossi, our College Registrar managing enrolments; and Angela Honner (assisting this year in the absence of Rachel Elgar) in Marketing & Communications. The office is also supported by Zoe Cleary who is currently managing the consolidation of the school’s significant community database.
You are most likely to encounter the Development Office team at the various school events held throughout the year. Events such as this week’s R-12 Welcome Evening and our various Old Scholar reunions, are great community builders. We’re also the link to the school administration for groups such as the Parents & Friends and the school’s Old Scholars sports clubs.
So please feel free to introduce yourself to the Development team at a Blackfriars community event soon. We look forward to working with you to build our wonderful school community.
Mr Patrick Kelly
Director of Development and Community Relations