Year 3 - 6 News

Year 3 Melbourne Zoo Excursion

On Tuesday 15 October, the Year 3 students visited the Melbourne Zoo to complement their current Unit of Inquiry 'Sharing the Planet'.



The students had a great time exploring the zoo - here's what Jamie had to say!


I learnt a lot about animals at the zoo. I learnt about the Corroboree frog.  Did you know the Corroboree frog is really poisonous? If you lick it, you can die! Jamie B (3B)

Year 4 Virtual Reality Experience

Today Life Saving Victoria’s Education Team came out to trial their Virtual Reality – Google Expeditions with the Year 4 students. The students visited the Murray River, learnt CPR and experienced saving a patient on the Westpac helicopter!



On Thursday the Grade 4's were lucky enough to have a visit from Life Saving Victoria. We got to try VR headsets. We learnt lots of cool stuff like:

  • There are no waves in rips
  • Lifeguards communicate with hand signals, and
  • How they rescue you when you are in trouble in the water.

We all had an awesome time. Thank you.

Tex M (4B)

Year 5 Visit to BSC

Last Tuesday (8 October), the Year 5 students walked down to Beaumaris Secondary College to participate in their ‘Outreach Program’.



Thank you to all the staff and students for such an engaging day!

Year 5 Melbourne Zoo Excursion

The Year 5 students visited the Melbourne Zoo today (17 October) to support their current Unit of Inquiry 'Sharing the Planet'.


Year 6 Super-hero Celebration

To celebrate the enormous success of the 'Girls on the Go' and 'Rock & Water' wellbeing programs, today the Year 6 students dressed up as a male/female Super-hero. They had to create their own Super-hero, encompassing all the positive characteristics and strengths using the knowledge they gained throughout the program.



They were very creative with their costumes and overviews of their super-hero and thoroughly enjoyed the yummy and nutritious afternoon tea!