Working Together

Parking around schools

Parking tickets

Recently, a few members of our community have received parking tickets for violating road and/or parking laws.  Although this is unfortunate, we have been reminding families of the need to obey the law in the iNewsletter.  It is not the responsibility of any member of staff to 'police' parking outside the school grounds, including the nature strip.  Adults park at their own peril.  Any unsafe or unruly vehicle or driver behaviour will be reported to the respective authorities.

"Schools are 'obligated' to provide parking for staff and families".

All schools are provided by the Department of Education, a Facility Schedule per the allocated space and area of general purpose classrooms, specialist spaces, administration and other eg. amenities, relative to student enrolment numbers.  The provision of a carpark is not on this schedule. 

CSPS continues to work within the parameters of the school property and Casey surrounds, to ensure safe parking for all.  

Thank you to Steve Whiteley, a valued member of our CSPS family, for his continued and generous support in servicing our Kiss and Go zone, in relation to the upkeep of the potholes.  The Buildings and Grounds Sub Committee are well aware that we are requiring more substantive and permanent work in this area.  Such is being discussed in conjunction with the Capital Works Projects.  More information to follow.