French Programs

Sophie Oldfield

Bastille Day!


Once again, Auburn High School celebrated Bastille Day with pride and enthusiasm! The school embraced the colours of the French flag – blue, white and red – and French pop songs could be heard throughout the day to mark the end of lessons! Both staff and students enjoyed the delicious croissants and pains au chocolat from our new supplier Café Rêverie. All our French students learnt about the origin of Bastille Day in class and our Year 7 students, accompanied by Madame Beck, did an amazing job at performing Le Roi Lion a cappella, which was a real hit ! We also had the pleasure of welcoming Jean D’Arme back  on his French bicyclette, much to the delight of everyone. Face painting, pétanque, dress-up costumes and a French film were also part of the festivities! Overall, a successful day of French celebrations! 







French Binational Program


Congratulations to our 9F students who all passed the Brevet des Collèges this year.  80% of the cohort passed with distinction (Mention) and over 50% achieved Mention Très Bien, the highest distinction. Well done and once again félicitations for fulfilling this milestone.




Berthe Mouchette French Poetry Competition Finalists


Congratulations to our French Partial Immersion students who made it to the finals! 

The BMC 2023 Finals Poetry Recital will take place on Sunday 13th August via Zoom. Finalists will recite the same poem recited in the first round, off by heart, before a jury of two assessors. We wish our students all the best for this next round of the competition! Please contact your French teacher if you have any questions. Bonne chance à tous!


What’s happening in our French classrooms?


Year 7 Language


Our Year 7 French students are starting to use their knowledge of French in different contexts. This time, they were given the task to produce a poster about one French or French-speaking athlete of their choice.


Year 9 French Immersion Day


At the very end of Term 2, our Year 9 students had the opportunity this year to take part in a French Immersion day. Throughout the day, students participated in various workshops, all in French, including Circus, Drama, Soccer, Virtual Escape Room & Crepe Making! 

Here is a testimony from one of our students, Brigitte (9S):

To continue igniting a passion for the French language and to immerse students in the French culture not necessarily experienced in Australia, Auburn High School French Teachers curated an unforgettable French Immersion Day for Year 9 Students on June 21st.

One of the day's highlights was a culinary experience, where students learnt how to make delicious French crepes! Guided by Madame Papon's exceptional recipe, students watched the crepes being made and then had the pleasure of choosing from a selection of mouth-watering toppings, including chocolate, jam, or lemon with sugar. The crepe-making activity provided a fun and interactive way for the students to immerse themselves in French culture while satisfying their taste buds!

Alongside this culinary adventure, students showcased their talent and linguistic prowess in a drama workshop, where they acted, danced, and even played statues while conversing in French.

Putting their French skills to the test, Year 9 Students went on a virtual adventure, attempting escape rooms on their computers, testing their language skills and problem-solving abilities.

Additionally, with Anthony, a French circus teacher, students learnt how to master the skill of juggling balls and scarves while practising and learning new French words related to circus!

What would a French immersion day be without a little friendly competition? To top it all off, the students had a blast playing football with Monsieur Brochet, engaging in friendly competition while practising their French vocabulary on the field and honing their football skills!

Overall, the French Immersion Day at Auburn High School was a memorable and enriching experience that allowed Year 9 students to embrace French culture and language in a fun and interactive way to end the term off on a high note!