From the Principal

Ross Pritchard

Welcome back to Term 3, and I hope all families had a restful break. Staff and students have hit the road running, with many students already engaged in extra-curricular activities, sport, debating, Language Centre, and many other events. This term we welcome over 20 new students. Some are local enrolments but also a large contingent of International students are joining us for their senior school experience. Teaching staff appointments are also taking place to replace staff on leave, and to cater for our growing student numbers. Ms Anne Kim, junior science, has started this term and is a welcome inclusion to our Year 7 and 8 teaching team. You will be aware of the staffing pressures being felt across the state, and Auburn is fortunate to be in a better situation than many Victorian schools. Our Library has a new coordinator, Monia Ibralic, who has the exciting job of liaising with students and staff to support their teaching and learning, and to extend their research skills. Monia, is a very experienced educator who brings a broad range of skills and knowledge to Auburn High.


School Review


This term we are celebrating and reviewing our current strategic plan (2019-2023). The strategy is based on three main goals and each goal has some key improvement strategies:

1. Challenging and Improving the learning growth of every student

2. Creating empowered students who act as autonomous learners.

3. Developing students who feel emotionally and socially connected (and flourish) in their school community.


These three goals are focused on competency, control or agency, and connectedness. All three contribute significantly to the student, and staff, experience each day. Opportunities will be provided via Compass and email for parents to provide some feedback on these goals and to celebrate the achievements the School has made over that time. Regardless of how much time you have been involved with the School, your comments and feedback are valued. The first opportunity is for parents to contribute a selection of highlights over the last four years via this PADLET NOTICEBOARD.


French program - Brevet results and Bastille Day celebration


I would like to congratulate our Year 9 French Binational students, and their teachers, on their high achievement on the French Brevet exam, which they sat in June. Our students performed very well with many achieving a Très Bien or High Distinction. This is fabulous news for our school as we are achieving exceptional results as an internationally accredited French school.

We celebrated Bastille Day in the first week of this term - staff and students enjoyed delicious croissants, pains au chocolat and French music at recess. There was a French Kahoot competition for staff won by Mr Ryan. At lunchtime students could choose to take part in a comedy show, face painting, photo booth, and a pétanque competition. Thank you to Sophie Oldfield for organising the day and our French teachers Pauline Delhostal, Geraldine Lautour-Akremi, Sonia Boyer, Jacqueline Wong-Fat, Nicole Marie, Johan Brochet, Fanny Beck and Genevieve Papon for creating such a fun and vibrant school event. The staff were very ably assisted by the French language students who recruited students to participate, officiated at activities and displayed an infectious enthusiasm.


Senior School Expo


Last Thursday afternoon, we were excited to host our “Senior School Expo”. The expo is an opportunity for parents and students to ask questions about what it is like to be a student in Senior School, learn about Year 10, VCE and IB subject offerings and the course confirmation process at our school. There were current Year 10, VCE and IB students present at the subject stalls, who shared their experiences and insights into the skills and attributes they believe are required to be a successful senior school student.

All our VCE and IB teachers were available and manned subject expo stalls with relevant textbooks, reference materials/equipment and student work exemplars. They met parents and students answering questions on their subject content, assessment task types, and the work commitment required to succeed in a particular subject.

I would like to thank all staff involved in preparing and hosting our expo. This event provides students with clarity and confidence about moving into our senior school programs; 2024 will see students having access to multiple programs in senior school – Victorian Curriculum, VCE, IB, Vocational subjects and the Vocational Major (VM). The objective of the expo is to stimulate discussion, clarify subject selections, provide multiple pathways, and ensure informed decision making from families and students. Thank you to our expert staff and, a big thank you to Ella Price – Senior School Assistant Principal and Peter Ryan – Senior School Curriculum Leading Teacher for coordinating the event.

Next steps for the students include selecting their subject preferences, and one-on-one discussions with both teaching and education support staff. Once subject preferences are entered, 2024 timetable construction begins.


PUFFS – School production


One of the bravest things a person can do is perform in public. Whether it be speaking, singing, acting, or performing, our students throughout the year display maturity, and aspiration. This week the cast and crew of PUFFS hit the stage to perform for the school community. Under the expert guidance of Mr Luke Jedd, and Ms Charlotte Dibben the students have been preparing for many months. This production had previously been cancelled during Covid, so it is fantastic to finally have a production ready for our audiences. Tickets are still available via our Website, and I look forward to seeing you there.


All the best, and until next time.


Ross Pritchard

