Introducing: Lunch Clubs

Drawing Club - Years 3-6

We are pleased to announce the commencement of a weekly Drawing Club for students in Years 3 to 6. 

Every Wednesday in the first half of lunch, we welcome students to come together in the 3B classroom (next to the STEAM room) for an immersive 20 minutes of artistic endeavours. 

We view a guided drawing session from Art Hub for Kids. Students can follow along or draw whatever they feel like! Paper and pencils provided, but feel free to bring your own pencils or markers. 


All abilities welcome - we are looking forward to seeing you Wednesday! 

Junior Games Club -  Foundation - Year 2

Students from Foundation to Year 2 are welcome to join our Junior Games Club each Wednesday in the first half of lunch in the Year 1-2 classroom block.


This vibrant and engaging club focusses on using Lego and Duplo to allow students imaginations to run wild as they collaborate on joint masterpieces. 

We would like to thank Ryan (Year 2) and his family for the generous donation of Lego. If any families have unwanted Lego or Duplo, we would appreciate any and all donations.


Looking forward to seeing more creations next week!


Effie Liarakos and Joshua Woollan

Lunch Club Co-Ordinators