
Whole School 

Saturday, August 5: Trivia Night 7.00pm - 10.30pm

Tuesday, August 8: Pyjama Day - State School Relief Fundraiser

Tuesday, August 29: Student Led Conferences (Pupil Free Day)

Tuesday, October 24 Rehearsal for School Production

Wednesday, October 25 - Thursday, October 26: Whole School Production

Monday, November 13: Curriculum Day

Year Specific


                                   Junior School               

31/7: 100 Days of School                           

4/8: MoPA Payment due

14/8: MoPA Excursion

21/8-23/8: School Nurse Visit   


2/8: Year 1 Past in the Class Incursion 

Payment due     

9/8: Year 1 Past in the Class Incursion 

   Middle School

                         Senior School                           

31/7: SJC & Mater Christi College Musical consent due (Y4&5)

2/8: SJC & Mater Christi College Musical

4/8: Rowville District Athletics Carnival    Permission Due (Selected Y3-6)

7/8: Year 4 Melbourne History Excursion     

11/8: Rowville District Athletics Carnival (Selected Y3-6)

18/10-20/10: Year 4 Camp                               




28/7 High School Musical Dress Rehearsal consent due (Year 6 only)

31/7: SJC Mater Christi College Musical consent due (Y4&5)

31/7 High School Muscial Dress Rehearsal

2/8: SJC & Mater Christi College Musical 

4/8: Rowville District Athletics Carnival    Permission Due (Selected Y3-6)

11/8: Rowville District Athletics Carnival (Selected Y3-6)

21/8-25/8: Coonawarra Camp

Term Dates

Term 1: 30th January - 6th April

Term 2: 24th April - 23rd June

Term 3: 10th July - 15th September

Term 4: 2nd October - 20th December