Fun At the Front Desk 

with Mel & Lisa 

Sick Bay Donations

A big Thank you to our Somerville Community who have kindly donated underwear and socks to our sick bay after our call out earlier this week. We have had an overwhelming response and we appreciate this very much. 


Activities for payment and Permission

  • Wednesday 2nd August - Yr 5/6 Camp Rumbug Instal 1 $120 Payment due
  • Friday 4th August - Grade 2 Briars Day Camp $74 Payment and Permission Due 
  • Friday 4th August - Yr 3/4 Lord Somers Camp Deposit - $50 Payment & Permission Due
  • Wednesday 9th August - Yr 3-6 House Athletics Day $9 Payment & Permission Due
  • Wednesday 16th August - Yr 5/6 Camp Rumbug Instal 2 $120 Payment due
  • Friday 18th August - Prep Funky Farm Excursion $30 Payment & Permission Due
  • Monday 28th August - Year 4 Author Incursion $15 Payment & Permission Due
  • Wednesday 30th August - Yr 5/6 Camp Rumbug Final Instal $100 Payment due




Any new medications please make sure a medication form is filled out and handed in with the medication or if any plans need to be updated with medication please let us know.



Updating Information

Has your personal contact details changed? It is very important that the school has your most updated information and that when these details change that you notify the school in writing by email. 

Have you moved House?

Have you changed occupation and or jobs ?

Does your school have your current mobile numbers or email ?

Do you need to update your emergency contacts for your child?

Have you Seperated?

If any of these apply please email the office on or call us on 59775421 so we can update your details, Thank you.


Lost Property

Some Special items in the office for collection if you recognise them, also a key was handed in this morning that was found at the back gate.


Head Lice

We have had a few head lice cases over the last month, just a reminder if you have long hair it is recommended to tie it up and please do regular checks on your hair, Thanks.

Below is some advice from the better health website you may find helpful in what to look for and treatment options.


Supervised Yard Duty Times

Important Reminder

The School Yard is supervised from 8:45am in the morning and until 3:30pm, please make sure you adhere to these drop off and pick up times to ensure the safety of your children.



Any unexplained absences, you can either update this through Sentral:

  • Click on The Sentral App
  • Click on Absences Icon
  • Click on the + symbol at the top right corner
  • Select Student, reason, put in dates absent and any additional comments
  • Press Submit.

 or let us know at the office the reason for your child's absence.


2nd Hand Uniform

Please feel free to look at our 2nd hand uniform, ask in the office and we can get the correct Size tubs out for you to look through.  All clothes sold for a gold coin donation.

Also if you have outgrown any we are getting low and would happily take donations.


Don't forget to clearly label the uniform


2024 Prep Enrolments

If you have a sibling starting next year please head to the office to grab an enrolment pack and put your name on our Prep 2024 mailing list. We also have some tour dates set for Term 3 if you or you know of anyone that may be interested.