Office News

2024 Foundation Enrolments filling fast!
Applications forms for Foundation 2024 are available at the school office.
If you have a child turning 5 before April 30 and you intend to send them to school at St Agatha's please let the Office know ASAP.
We are pleased to announce the roll out of Lunch Orders via CDFpay. This will help reduce the amount of cash being sent to the Canteen. We ask all families to follow the instructions on the attached CDFpay flyer (see link below) to set up their children's account.
Please note that all orders for Canteen must be submitted online by 9.15am each Wednesday and Friday mornings.
Any questions please contact the Office.
Tuesdays 9am-11am during school terms in St. Agatha’s Parish Hall. Resumes Tuesday 2nd May. All Welcome!
We are still looking for volunteers to help in Canteen on Wednesdays and Fridays. If you have a Current Working with Children Check, have attended one induction session or prepared to take a session please email
Art News
Wanted Material for Art
If anyone has any unwanted sewing or quilting fabrics or scraps that you are happy to donate could you please drop them off at the office or the art room.