Principal's News

Courage, Faith, Love
Dear Parents and Friends of St Agatha's Primary School,
It's hard to believe we are already in week 5 of Term 3! Next week, St Agatha's will take part in a School Review. The Review is an important aspect of School Improvement. Every four years all schools take part in a robust and comprehensive review that looks at policies, processes, learning and teaching etc. All staff are included in the review process and have the opportunity to have their voice heard about what is going well and the opportunities for improvement. Parent and student focus groups are also included. I look forward to sharing with you the outcome of the Review in the coming months.
Thank you to all the families for getting behind the Colour Run that is due to be run in the last week of this term. Also this term we have the Father's Day Breakfast, Book Week dress up day and Footy Day. There is a lot to look forward to! If you wish to volunteer at any of these events please let the office know. Don't forget volunteers must complete a Volunteer's induction with Mr Doherty and must have a valid Working With Children Check.
For the past fortnight, we have been focusing on the whole school expectation of RESPECT. Students have been gathering commendations for using their manners. I have noticed many students trying really hard to show off their beautiful manners and receive one of our new St Agatha's Respect stickers. This Friday at the whole school assembly we will be awarding the Principal Courage and Courtesy Awards for those students who have managed to collect five commendations. Parents are welcome to attend the assembly that will begin at 2:30pm this Friday.
Congratulations to our Year Four students who are preparing to make the Sacrament of First Eucharist. Please pray for them and their families as they prepare to receive the Body of Christ for the first time!
This Sunday's Gospel is from Matthew - Jesus calm's the storm. The following is a reflection that you might like to use with your children to understand how the story can relate to our lives today.
Imagine you're on a boat with Jesus and some of his friends. One day, while you're all sailing across a big lake, a huge storm suddenly comes. The wind howls, the waves crash, and the boat rocks so much that everyone gets scared. You look for Jesus and find him sleeping! You wake him up, saying, "Jesus, help us! We're so scared!" Jesus stands up, looks at the wild waves, and tells the wind to stop and the waves to be quiet. And just like
that, everything becomes calm. The wind stops blowing, and the waves settle down.
Jesus then turns to you and his friends and asks, "Why were you so afraid? Don't you trust me?" You all realize that even when things seem really scary, Jesus is there with you. He has the power to make things peaceful again.
This Sunday's Gospel story is about more than just a storm. It's about how we can feel worried and afraid when things go wrong in our lives, just like the storm scared the disciples. But just like Jesus calmed the storm, he can also calm our worries and fears. He wants us to trust that he's with us no matter what happens.
This week, whenever you feel like you're in a "storm" of problems or fears, remember that you can talk to Jesus through prayer. He's like a superhero who can bring peace to your heart, just like he brought peace to the stormy sea.
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for always being with us, just like you were with your friends in the boat. When life feels stormy and scary, help us remember that you have the power to bring calm and peace. Just as you quieted the wild waves, quiet our worries and fears too. Help us trust that you're watching over us and that we can talk to you about anything, just like your friends did.
I pray that you all have a wonderful and calm week!
Michelle Bruitzman