Learning Through Play at Preschool

S. Callaghan - Preschool Teacher

Building Hand Strength and Co-ordination With Playdough

When speaking with many families recently, the topic of fine motor skills such as drawing and writing, pencil grip, cutting with scissors and using craft materials and tools was discussed. Something I shared with many families was the value of playdough for building children's hand strength and co-ordination.  For children to be regularly squeezing, rolling, pinching, poking and cutting playdough is so valuable during the early years. Below is a simple recipe (perfected by an old colleague of mine - Kellie) to try at home. If kept in an airtight container, playdough can last several weeks and the benefits for children are extensive.

The Value of Open Ended Craft for Supporting Capable Creators

This term the children have free access to our art and craft area. This includes materials and tools such as; textas and pencils, scissors, glue sticks, sticky tape dispensers, staplers, hole punchers, rulers, collage items, stickers and recycled materials such as boxes. So far we have many unique designs being created and the children's skills are growing each day. Having free access to these materials and tools, the children are becoming capable and involved learners in their own play and creativity, building the foundation skills for life long learning and capabilities. 

Our New Preschool Friends - Roo Roo and Rose

This term the children have welcomed 2 new friends to preschool - Roo Roo to Pink Group and Rose to Purple Group. These friends have many adventures, visiting a new preschool friend each week. When it is their turn, each child takes Roo Roo/Rose home and cares for them, including them in everyday life and adventures with their family and friends. During their adventures together they can record their experiences by taking photos, drawing pictures or, with some help, write a story about what they did together. Once they bring Roo Roo/Rose back to preschool they have the opportunity to share their experiences with their preschool friends at group time. Using recall and communication skills they talk about their adventures, and share their photos, drawings and stories. At the end of the session their preschool friends have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the time with Roo Roo/Rose. Then .... it's time for Roo Roo/Rose to venture onto another house. 

Speaking in front of others, remembering events and experiences, and communicating these to others are positive skills to building confidence from the early childhood years.