Principal, GA and School Administrative Officer for a Day

As a part of Education Week, last Wednesday Year 6 students had the opportunity to apply for the roles of Principal, General Assistant (GA) or School Administrative Officer for a day.

The students who applied were put to work assisting Mrs Donatiello to run the school, helping Mr Jim with the maintenance of the school and working with the office staff to ensure that all administrative tasks were completed across the whole school.

Dareen from Blue, as Principal, attended the P&C Meeting, handed out birthday bucket gifts and spent time in the preschool with our smallest students. She also spent some time reminding the students of the school's expectations.

George and Justin also from Blue helped Mr Jim move over 2 cubic metres of mulch into the preschool. They spent a couple of hours shoveling and shifting the mulch into the preschool outdoor area. They were amazing workers.

Christine and Alisha from 6C, Albert from 5/6S and Ethan from 6M spent their time answering phones, photocopying, making announcements, organising assembly awards and completing numerous other clerical tasks. All of the office staff were so impressed with the work they completed that they asked for them to return everyday.

We were very proud of these students and their work ethic.

The 2 Principals with the birthday bucket.
Principal Dareen and our preschoolers.
The 2 Principals with the birthday bucket.
Principal Dareen and our preschoolers.
George and Justin moving the mulch.
George and Justin moving the mulch.
Ethan organising notes.
Albert 'driving' the photocopier.
Jennifer and Alisha answering the phones and organising awards.
Ethan organising notes.
Albert 'driving' the photocopier.
Jennifer and Alisha answering the phones and organising awards.