Principal's Report

D. Donatiello

Education Week

It was with great pleasure that last week, we celebrated the learning and wonderful work that happens our school each day. On Tuesday, many parents and carers were able to visit their children's classrooms for the first time in a couple of years to see and participate in their child's learning. We held a morning tea for families afterwards, where Kindergarten danced, the choir performed and a student gave her winning Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition speech to demonstrate how the Arts contribute to education. Thank you to the parents and families who attended. Thank you to the teachers who prepare engaging lessons each day and take on extra-curricular activities so that our students have the opportunity to develop their talents.

On Wednesday, some of the Year 6 students experienced a day in the life of the Principal, School Administration Officers and General Assistant. The feedback from the students was their day was enjoyable.

On Thursday, we hosted Deputy Secretary Early Childhood Outcomes, Gillian White and Director for Cowpasture, Marianne Siokos. They visited the Preschool and Support Unit and this was a great opportunity to showcase the excellent work that takes place in both settings.

Our APC&Is, Ms Lee and Mrs Krishan, also held two parent information sessions on the new syllabuses for English and Mathematics, which are being taught in K-2 and in preparation for implementation for Years 3-6 in 2024. There will be follow-up sessions held in a few weeks. Thanks you to the parents who attended and Ms Lee and Mrs Krishan for their presentations.


Athletics Carnivals

On Wednesday, 9th August, we are having our Annual Athletics Carnivals. The Preschool to Year 2 carnival will be held at school and the carnival for Years 3 to 6 will be held at Rosford St Reserve. Parents and carers are welcome at both events.


Quote for Week 4:

"Focus, discipline, hard work, goal setting and, of course, the thrill of finally achieving your goals. These are all lessons in life." 

Kristi Yamaguchi