Star Students of the fortnight

Star Students for the Fortnight

Junior Years

Mr Enright:

Wol Madam for using his speaking voice when talking to his peers.

Well done Wol!


Daniella Lubadi for remembering to take her nightly reader home every night.

Well done Daniella! 


Miss Turk:

Ampi Ruiz Brambilla for settling into St. Brendan’s with ease and always being so friendly. Well done Amp!


Mason Collie for working hard with his reading. 

Keep it up, Mason!


Mrs Weber:

Lucy D’Alessandro for greeting her teachers with a happy smile and a big ‘hello’ each morning. Awesome work Lucy!


Savannah Colbertfor the terrific dedication she is showing towards her reading. 

Keep up the great work Savannah!


Mr Morrison:

Lucy Clark

For participating and working really hard on her new skills during athletics training. Awesome stuff Lucy!


Isaac Yel for displaying excellent multiplication and doubling skills. 

Awesome work Isaac! 


Miss Finn:

Ayen Padual for continuing to improve in her writing and reading. 

Great job Ayen!


Nyageng Madan for showing great enthusiasm and improvement in her reading. 

Keep it up!


Mr Maskell:

Mikha Rose Joby for being such a welcoming and friendly student who 

always tries her best in work. 


Lucas Waters for continuing to improve in his handwriting and reading.


Mr Andronaco:

Manuella for her great achievements in her literacy and numeracy tasks. 

Great work!


Luca Tal - For his participation and willingness to learn in Mathematics!


Miss Sidebottom:

Dion Nanayakkara for his persistence with his maths questions and always giving his best in all areas of learning.


Mason Bigg for staying focused on tasks and completing his reading goal.



Middle Years

Mr O'Hara:

Mary Lubadi for working hard to improve her writing. Keep it up Mary!


Adriyanna Del Rosario for her participation and enthusiasm during 

our Australian Ballet incursion.  Great work Adriyanna!


Mr Secchi:

Owen Sargeant for your contribution to reading groups and

providing good conversation with your peers. 

Keep up the great work, Owen!


Caitlyn Mills for the effort and care you have put into your writing this term. 

You have improved by adding detail and building an entertaining piece for your reader. Well done, Caitlyn!


Mr Renato:

Rian Kudakkanal for planning an engaging narrative about soccer players training for the world cup. He included similes and character dialogue in his plan. 


Bentley Corbo for completing his learning tasks and always trying to do his best work in all learning areas. 


Mrs Dainton:

Brodie Cela for his growth in all areas of the curriculum.

 His care of his work and class room.

Well Done Brodie!


Tobi for his positive  attitude towards all his Reading and Writing tasks.

Well Done Tobi!


Mr Howley:

Izeirig Teia for his detailed character and setting work on Flat Stanley.


Arianna Watkins for her positive attitude towards speaking and listening in class. 

A great listener.


Senior Years

Mr Beks:

Nash Waters for being a very kind member of the Lindon/Beks classroom and for being consistent in his efforts towards all things learning. 


Ella Mills for her consistency and overall ability to complete extension tasks in all areas of learning to great effect. Well done Ella!


Mr Lindon:

Nimraut Kaur for her fantastic work ethic towards her learning and for 

her outstanding presentation in her workbooks. 


Kobby Eshun for your contribution and effort to all class learning discussions as well as displaying great leadership.  Well done Kobby! 


Mr Iorianni:

Isabelle Pensak for being a fantastic helper in the class. Always making sure she completes her job and our class is presentable and welcoming for everyone.


Hudson Woods for being an excellent leader in the class. Hudson has given 100% effort to work diligently and complete work with quality in mind.


Mrs Baldacchino/Miss Casey:

Vince Bungay for being an enthusiastic learner who applies himself well to all tasks that he is set.  Keep up the great work Vince.