Sacramental Program

Welcome Jessamy Doyle

St Brendan’s Parish new Sacramental 



Last Wednesday, Laura O’Sullivan finished her role as our St Brendan’s Parish Sacramental Co-ordinator, a role which she fulfilled for the last 14 years.  


In that time Laura has helped about 1,100 families celebrate their Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist.


Laura has always maintained a wonderful presence in her role as the Sacramental 

Co-ordinator a role she took seriously and with great faith, professionalism, expertise and energy.  Passing on faith is so central to Christianity; Pope Francis calls us all to be missionary disciples and our very special Laura facilitated this so well. 


Congratulations Laura and all the best on a well deserved retirement. 


Grateful thanks from all the students, their families and teachers here at St Brendan’s Primary School.


As we say good bye to our dear Laura, we are excited to WELCOME Jessamy Doyle to the Parish team as the new Sacramental Coordinator. Jessamy is a new parent to our school with her first child, Laura starting this year in Foundation.


I look forward to working with Jessamy as we continue to deliver and support our Sacramental students this year in their Sacramental preparations and journey. All the best Jessamy and Welcome.



Confirmation Preparation

Our Sacramental students are all well and truly into the next phase of their Initiation journey, focusing now on Confirmation.  The students have been revisiting their Baptismal Promises and the Great PROMISE of God after the floods in Noah’s Ark.   


God delivered his PROMISE never to harm mankind again by displaying a beautiful RAINBOW in the sky after the floods to seal His promise.


Here are some beautiful creative RAINBOW artworks some of our Sacramental students have shared in their learning.


We continue to keep our Sacramental students in our prayers and thoughts as they continue their preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation.