General News 

Mrs Kate Thompson and Mrs Tracey Klitsch

Dental Van Visit

Next week we will welcome the dental van to our school. They will be here during the week beginning the 14th August but will let us know the exact date a little later in this week. 

Enrolling Now

We still have some spaces in our upcoming 2024 Kindergarten class group. If you know of anyone wanting to enrol their child and enjoy the benefits of our amazing School Readiness Program in Term 4, please encourage them to call the front office for more information and to receive an enrolment pack.  Word of mouth is by far the best form of advertising we have so please spread the word about our wonderful St Joseph's Quirindi school.   


Volunteers required

We are looking for volunteers to cover library books with contact. If this is in your skill set please let us know and we will provide everything you need. You can take the books home and cover at your leisure.

Book Week 2023 

2023 Book Week occurs from 19th - 25th August.  Our theme is READ, GROW, Inspire. Thursday, 24th August will be our Book Week celebration.  

PLEASE NOTE: this is a change from the date previously advertised.


Students are invited to dress up as their favourite character from a book.  Please remember to bring the book with you to show where your costume has come from! 


Our Parade will occur at 9.15am on the 24th August, and we invite parents to join us in this celebration of literacy.  

Award Winners

Week 3 Award Winners



Please email before 2pm if you need to change your child's afternoon travel arrangements as these changes are shared with the students at this time each day. 


Statements were emailed from the Catholic Schools Office on 06 July, 2023 with your current balance, please attend to your fees due as soon as possible.  If you are having any difficulties with your fee payments please phone either Pauline or Tracey to discuss alternative arrangements.