Principal's Report
House Athletics Carnival
Hey Siri, please give me a day of perfect weather for our House Athletics Day!
What a wonderful day we had at Collingwood Harriers Athletics Track last week. The weather was stunning with the day fantastically organised and supported by staff and parents. For all of the Year 4 – 6 students competing, it was their first time participating in this event, and they excelled in all that they did.
The community atmosphere reverberated around the track with every step, throw, and jump being applauded, cheered and congratulated! Students took it upon themselves to help their peers who needed help, and they were willing to have a go at events that they might normally consider out of their comfort zone.
Thank you to our many parent volunteers and staff for their assistance; the event couldn't have happened without your help. A special mention to our PE coordinator Geoff McShane for his meticulous planning and guidance.
Learn to Swim Program
Our Foundation - Year 2 students have donned their bathers and had their first two weeks of the Learn to Swim Program. As with the Athletics Carnival, I am proud of how well the students are participating and ‘giving it a go’. Thank you once again to our parent volunteers and teachers for their support.
Farewell Kathy Szaters
This is our first newsletter since we said farewell to one of our integration aides, Kathy Szaters. Kathy has been at FPS for four years and during that time has been a terrific support for the wellbeing and learning of our students. We wish Kathy well for the future.
Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) – Mid-Year Review
Our Annual Implementation Plan, created at the end of the previous school year, is developed as a result of our four year School Strategic Plan. As with any organisation, prioritising the work of the school in the next 12 months is critical to reaching goals and to making improvements.
Recently we reviewed our progress in relation to our AIP and shared this at School Council. Much of the work that has been accomplished can go unnoticed beyond the staff, however it is important for parents to know about what has been happening ‘behind the scenes’.
Numeracy has been a priority this year, led by our Numeracy Learning Specialist Sophie Ratcliffe. Some of the actions this year to date include:
- Sophie, Emilia and myself taking part in the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership’s Leading Numeracy program.
- Professional learning from the Mathematical Association of Victoria, with a focus on challenging/non-routine tasks.
- Jane Hubbard from the Mathematical Association of Victoria working with staff to build teacher capacity and confidence in planning and teaching using challenging tasks. This work includes Jane teaching classes with teachers observing the lessons.
- A focus on the implementation of the four mathematical proficiencies; Problem Solving, Understanding, Fluency, and Reasoning.
Our Literacy work has been led by Literacy Learning Specialist Binh Hoang. Some of the actions this year to date include:
- Binh and Kelly taking part in the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership’s Leading Literacy program.
- Supporting the implementation of a phonics program in the early years.
- Professional learning for teachers on the teaching of spelling.
- Refreshing our approach to moderating and assessing writing.
- Purchasing decodable take-home readers and guided reading books for the classroom.
Much of the work that we embark upon is focused on upskilling teachers with current research and practical methods which will enhance students’ engagement and outcomes in their learning.
OSHClub Contract
At yesterday’s School Council meeting, we discussed the provision of Outside Hours School Care. Our current contract with OSHClub expires at the end of the year. The school will be seeking Expressions of Interest and will follow Department guidance when choosing the Outside School Hours Care provider.
Curriculum Days for 2024
At last night’s School Council, the following Curriculum (pupil-free) Days were approved for 2024:
- Monday 29 January (start of term 1)
- Friday 17 May (term 2, week 5)
- Monday 15 July (first day of term 3)
- Monday 4 November (term 4 – the day before Melbourne Cup Day)
What’s Ahead!
Between now and the next newsletter there is lots to look forward to. Highlights include the Year 3 and Year 4 concerts on Thursday, Year 6 camp next week, a continuation of the Learn to Swim program, the Trivia Night, excursions and incursions; fun around every corner!
~ Paul Wallace, Principal