Principals Message

Witnessing the wonder and delight on our students’ faces at the Aquarium and Museum last Friday was a delight.
This verse adapted from scripture, Matthew 5: 3-12 ‘The Beatitudes’ is very fitting as all our children are very blessed.
Blessed is the child who has someone who believes in him and has high hopes for him.
Blessed is the child who has someone to whom they can carry their problems unafraid.
Blessed is the child whose home is a haven of happiness.
Blessed is the child to whom life is a book of knowledge.
Blessed is the child who is allowed to pursue their curiosity into every worthwhile field of information.
Blessed is the child who has someone who understands that childhood’s griefs are real and bitter and call for understanding sympathy.
Blessed is the child who is led gently by the hand along the pathway of life by someone who is guide, companion and inspiration.
Blessed is the child whose efforts to achieve have found encouragement.
Blessed is the child who has learned freedom from selfishness through responsibility and co-operation.
Blessed is the child who is encouraged to look beyond the material things of life, to see the spiritual strand, which adds eternal meaning and reality.
Author unknown
This coming Friday August 18th is a pupil free day.
This Thursday our wonderful P&F group will provide a hot lunch for our students. This week it will be hot dogs and a poptop. Hopefully all orders were in today (Tuesday).
I would like to thank the School Advisory Council and staff for their lovely response to my retirement announcement last week. They were gracious in their comments to me for all that has been achieved during my leadership at St Mary’s School and were keen to organise a retirement celebration.
There is still much to work through before the end of the term as Catholic Education Sandhurst develops a school based criteria, then advertises, short lists and interviews worthy candidates. Hopefully St Mary’s attracts the right person for this role.
I love this school and as I stated last week I am so proud of the parents, students and staff who create a harmonious environment and work together to improve our student experiences and outcomes.
Mr Paul Bissinella will meet with staff and the School Advisory Council next Tuesday August 22nd to develop school-based criteria for the selection of a principal for 2024.
School-based criteria are determined as a result of considering the specific contextual needs of the school and reflects an appropriate balance of the major areas of Catholic school leadership as articulated in the Sandhurst Leadership Capability framework:
- Leading the Catholic Identity, Ethos and Mission
- Leading Learning and Teaching
- Creating and leading a Well community
- Developing Self and Others
- Developing leadership and succession planning
- Leading Improvement, Innovation and Change
- Leading the Management of the School
- Engaging and Working with Community.
On Friday August 25th our students are invited to come dressed in character for our Book week parade and book week activities. This years theme is read grow inspire.
Schooling is compulsory for children and young people aged 6-17 years unless an exemption from attendance or enrolment has been granted.
Daily attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don’t fall behind both socially and developmentally.
If your child is absent from school we request that you log this absence on SIMON everywhere or call the office before 9.00am.
Admin staff are required to phone parents or carers to verify unexplained absences.
On Friday August 11 all our students and staff travelled to Melbourne to visit the Melbourne Aquarium and the Melbourne Museum. It was a great day with all students showing care for self and others by using their manners and best behaviour. They showed care for their learning by listening and asking relevant questions of the guides and care for their environment by leaving the park areas as they found them. Well done to all students on a fabulous day.
A reminder to parents that if students enter our school property on the weekend or after school hours, that they should be supervised. A reminder that there are security cameras installed.
Enjoy the coming fortnight.
Catherine Fraser