
Mr Crane, Mr Jones, Ms Kirk, Ms Huntly, Ms Bennett, Ms Nguyen, Ms Kini and Ms O'Dowd

Innovation and Design

Ms Huntly, Ms Bennett & Ms Kirk 


We have had an amazing start to our Term 3 program in Innovation and Design. This semester will be focusing on the Design Technology curriculum. We are very excited to be introducing the Kitchen into our program this term. Students will learn about food production and how food is grown. 


In Foundation, students have begun to learn about the importance of fruits and vegetables. We have started to explore where these come from and how they grow on farms. In Year 1 and 2, students have learnt about where and how our food is grown. Students will be beginning to design their own gardens in the coming weeks. 

Our students in Years 3 to 6 will have lessons throughout this term that allow them to cook/make a recipe. These recipes have been carefully selected to be dairy free, egg free and nut free. All children who have dietary requirements have been considered in our planning. When students are not in the kitchen, they will learn about food production in Australia and healthy eating.




Performing Arts

Ms O'Dowd & Ms Nguyen 


Students are extremely excited for Performing Arts this semester. In Term 3, students will explore drama and the theatrical techniques to devise and produce performance pieces. All students will begin rehearsal on a concert performance piece towards the end of term. We can not wait to see what our students produce and we know that it will be INCREDIBLE!!!!


Foundation students have engaged in theatrical physical and vocal warm ups to begin their journey in the Performing Arts. Students’ engaged in a variety of games and activities to engage both their physical, vocal and facial expressions. Foundation students’ particularly liked the game, ‘Walk this way’. Students were given a number of characters and scenarios to recreate in the PA space. 


Years 1 and 2 students have enjoyed their introduction to the Performing Arts. During the coming weeks, students will engage in performance intensives. These sessions will focus on the vocabulary of the theatre and basic theatre rules.


Year 3 and 4 students have enjoyed their introduction to the Performing Arts. During the coming weeks, students will engage in performance intensives. These sessions will focus on the vocabulary of the theatre and basic theatre rules.


Years 5 and 6 students are enjoying their time in the Performing Arts. With a focus on the ‘Art of Improvisation’. Students will spend the coming weeks engaged in improvisational theatre while understanding basic improvisational theatre rules. 



Ms Kinni & Ms Nguyen 


What a great start to a new term, with students showing so much zest for biological science (the study of living things and their environment)!


Foundation and Year 1 students are learning about living and non-living things using songs, our bodies and voice, drawings and games. For example, to show the growth of plants using our bodies, we pretended we were a seed slowly growing into a big tree when the seed has sunlight, water and soil. Foundation and Year 1 students will continue to learn deeper about features of living things and how these features help different living things survive.


Year 2 students are learning about photosynthesis (how plants make their own food to survive). We drew a picture about what plants need for photosynthesis to happen and the importance of the green stem and leaves. Year 2 students will be challenged to use scientific words when explaining photosynthesis, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose (sugar) and chlorophyll (green colour).


Year 3 students are learning about living and non-living things. We sorted things as living or non-living and were challenged to explain our thinking by completing the sentence, “I think a rock is non-living because…” Year 3 students will explore the features of a plant and be challenged to explain why those features are important for a plant to survive.


Year 4 students are learning about photosynthesis (how plants make their own food to survive). We watched a video and drew a picture about what plants need for photosynthesis to happen and the importance of chlorophyll. Year 4 students will learn about the features of a flower to explore pollination. 


Years 5 and 6 students are learning about adaptation (changes made for a living thing to survive) and the three types of adaptation. We watched videos and discussed how different plants have adapted to survive. Years 5 and 6 students will be challenged to explore how plants growing in the desert and ocean adapt to survive.



Physical Education

Mr Crane and Mr Jones


Welcome back to Term 3 in Physical Education. This term, students will be consolidating the skills they have learnt across the Semester 1 and apply them in a range of different settings and sports.


Foundation: In Term 3, the Foundation students will be developing their skills in the Fundamental Motor Skills of Throwing, Catching and Vertical Leap. It will be an eventful term for our Foundation students as we learn about the correct technique to complete the Underarm Throw.


Year 1: In Term 3, The Year 1 students will be developing their skills in the Fundamental Motor Skills of Run, Ball Bounce and Overarm Throw. It will be a fun time for the Year 1 cohort as we explore the different sports and games that require those skills.


Year 2: In Term 3, The Year 2 students will be establishing their skills in the Fundamental Motor Skills of Run, Ball Bounce and Punt. It will be an exciting experience for all students while they participate in different sports and games. They are extremely excited to learn the sport of AFL while learning about the Punt.


Year 3 to 6: In Term 3, the 3 to 6 students will be learning all about Tennis, Rugby and AFL. They will be practising and demonstrating their skills in the different sports. Students will be participating in match play situations where they practise the skills required to play those sports.

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