Year 5 & 6

Ms Hall, Ms Riolo, Ms Armstrong and Ms Hicks 

Hello 5/6  families! 

We have had a fantastic start to Term 3 and are so excited to see all the amazing things we achieve throughout this term. 


Just a reminder that our Urban Camp is in week 10 of this term. We leave on Monday the 11th of September and arrive back on Wednesday the 13th of September. Final payments are due on the 23rd of August, unless other payment plans have been organised with the office. Please note, students will not be able to attend camp if payment has not been finalised by the due date.



In Literacy we have started our new Explicit Direct Instruction lessons where we have been learning core knowledge based on our Geography unit. So far we have learnt about climate, culture, pollution, undrinkable water, urbanisation and how these things impact the way we live. We have also started our twisted fairytale class novels which are based upon a popular Disney princess. In these books however the princess does not defeat the evil witch. The twisted fairytales show us how stories can have alternative endings and how one thing can change the whole direction of a story. 


In Numeracy we have started our fractions unit through our Explicit Direct Instruction lessons. We have so far looked at how to represent, model and order fractions on a numberline. We have also been learning how to tell the time and convert 12 and 24 hour time. 




Our topic for Unit this term is Geography. So far this term we have looked at the different purposes of a map and the features of a map. We learnt that there can be a map for almost anything. We even found a map that shows where hot and cold wind moves around Australia!