Year 3

Ms Scott, Ms Wijesuriya, Ms Avramov and Ms Marshall

Hello Year Three Families!


Welcome back! We hope you all had a safe and restful school holiday break. Check out what we’ve got planned for our learning this month!



For Phonics and Spelling, we will learn when and how to apply the following graphemes to spell words.


In Comprehension and Literature, we have been refining our summarising skills using fiction and non-fiction texts. Students now understand that when we summarise a text we tell the most important parts of a text in our own words in a much shorter way. We started off reading passages of texts and identifying the ‘who, what, when, where and why’ of the text. Students have now progressed to summarising picture story books and chapters of a chapter book. For non-fiction texts students have been summarising by highlighting key words and phrases, sorting them by using a five guide and then writing a summary.


For Creating Texts, we have been deepening our understanding of simple and compound sentences. When learning about simple sentences, students have identified the subject (noun) and the predicate (what the noun is doing) in the sentence. When learning about compound sentences, students have been developing their knowledge of what a compound sentence is made up of, a sentence that connects two independent clauses with a conjunction. Students have used the conjunction ‘and’ in their compound sentences this week. Next, they will practise adding different conjunctions such as or, but, because, and so.  





In Number and Algebra, we are learning all about money. Students have been identifying and ordering Australian notes and coins. Next, we will learn how to represent money in multiple ways. 


For Measurement and Geometry, we have been learning how to measure length using centimetres and metres. We had lots of fun practising this skill by measuring each other’s heights and objects in our classroom with measuring tape! Next, we will be using our knowledge of length to help us measure perimeter using centimetres and metres.



We are very excited to begin our new unit topic, Geography. We will be focusing on Australia in particular. Students have learnt to locate Australia on a world map and identify the names of our states and territories. Next we will learn to locate each state and territory and research their major features.