Year 1

Ms Crane, Ms Conforto, Ms Russo, Ms Harrington, Ms Maher, Ms Ripper and Ms Bowden 

Welcome back for Term 3! 

We are excited to share what we will be learning this term with you.


In Reading, we have started Stage 7.1 of our Little Learners Love Literacy program. This starts to introduce our long vowel sounds; so far we have learnt /ai/ as in snail trail, /ay/ as in play all day and /ee/ as in teeny green tree.



In Writing, we have learnt about simple sentences, ensuring that we include a subject and what they are doing, for example, The boy is running. We are now learning how to make our writing even more interesting by adding adjectives.



In Numeracy, we have been learning about place value. We have learnt about the value of each digit and how this depends on its position within a number. For example, 59, the 5 represents 50 or 5 tens and the 9 represents 9 ones. We have also learnt about chance and how to describe the possibility of something happening, using words such as will happen, won't happen or might happen.



This term have started to learn about Geography and have already explored the different continents and oceans. We can’t wait to explore and learn more about our community and the environments that surround us.



Did you know…..there are 7 different continents and 5 oceans that make up the earths surface?