Little Things With Wings

Little things with wings                     

Our main target as Global Ambassadors is to improve the community around us. Our project is about rewilding and is called Little Things With Wings. First of all, what is rewilding? Rewilding is when you try to restore the natural environment and let nature take its place to reclaim it from areas that are now no longer used by humans. 

 This is what we have brainstormed about so far


What are we rewilding?

We are helping increase the population of small animals in our school and local communities. These animals can include bees, butterflies, bugs and small birds.  We did a survey about how many animals we could find around the school. We found that the majority of the animals were bigger there were not so many smaller animals (see our survey below).  


Our survey



How we are going to involve the community around us


We plan to involve the school community in Little Things With Wings. We will have a working bee where students and their parents can volunteer to help in gardening (dates not yet decided).  For gardening we will talk to Bunnings and see if they can help with some resources. We also plan to do an activity in Kooramook groups for students to learn how important these small creatures are.  We are also going to write to the local council and ask them for their contribution. We have an Australian Conservation Foundaion "Wild at Art" competition where students make artworks of endangered birds and butterflies. 


Other ways we can involve the community


If you want to learn more about endangered animals (especially Little Things With Wings) and their environments in Australia you can click on these links:


Australian Conservation Foundation




Stay tuned for more.

From the Global Ambassadors of Mullum Primary,

Evan, Sophie, Shella, Emmy, Ario, Siena