Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander News 

Sacrament of Confirmation

On Sunday 30 July our Year 6 students fulfilled their Sacrament of Confirmation at the Confirmation Mass held at the St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church. Students were gathered with family as they undertook their confirmation. Our Indigenous students - Douglas McGrady, Delphine Sampson & Shaylyn Smith are pictured below. 

Confirmation is a milestone celebration in the life of a Catholic and is the second milestone of a three step journey that initiates a Catholic as a full member of the Body of Christ. The first step is Baptism and the final step is Holy Communion. Catholics call these three sacraments "sacraments of Initiation" 

- the "new life" steps.


Week 2 Secondary Awards - Denna McGrady - For following week 2’s focus of Behaviour & Safety.

Week 3 Secondary Awards - Lucy Ross & Denna McGrady - For being Part of a Team. 


Week 3 Primary Awards 

D’jahlu Murray - For his dedication and effort towards improving his fluency when reading.

Jack Ritchie - For his increased confidence when sharing his ideas and participating in classroom discussion. 

Kiinai Eade - For writing a well-structured procedure about decorating biscuits. 

Maggie Jennings - For her kind and caring attitude towards her peers and her willingness to help others.


In the last fortnight, our Year's 4, 5 & 6 students have attended their respective excursions to Dubbo, Sydney and Canberra. All of our students had a wonderful time participating in a range of different activities. 

Dance for Sport (Secondary)

Starting Friday 18th August Shae Duncan from Yulugi Marumali will be teaching our secondary students cultural/contemporary dance. Students in secondary were given the opportunity to select their preferred sports activity with a small group opting to undertake dance. We are looking forward to what they can put together by the end of term. 

Important Information 

Vaccinations -On 4 September from 9am - 12.30pm Year's 7 & 10 will be undertaking their vaccinations. Consent details will be sent to parents/caregivers via compass with further details.