Continuous Reporting 

Continuous Reporting Update

Continuous Online Reporting allows parents to receive regular access to their child’s learning with results and feedback provided via Compass.  Every term, teachers will provide feedback on three tasks per term including the final assessment. This is in addition to the ongoing feedback that students receive on their OneNote notebooks. As part of the assessment process, students are provided with feedback on their learning behaviours (see rubric below) and all Project-Based Learning Tasks (final unit assessments) are assessed against the Victorian Curriculum.

How do I view learning tasks and feedback?

  1. Log in to Compass.
  2. Notifications will appear on the homepage. Click on the link to see a summary of the task and feedback. You can also select the ‘Learning Task’ tab to view a summary of all tasks.


  1. Click on each individual learning task to view teacher comments and a summary of working habits. Instructional rubrics will accompany all Project Based Learning Tasks (PBL). Students will complete one PBL per term in each learning area.


For concerns regarding your child’s progress in a specific learning area, an email should be sent to your child’s teacher via Compass. For concerns regarding your child’s overall academic progress, please contact your child’s GOAL mentor.