ICT Information Workshop for Parents

ICT Information Workshop for Parents

It was great to see a number of parents attend our first ICT Information Workshop for 2019. We have two additional workshops running on  Wednesday, 13th March 2019 & Thursday, 21st March 2019 from 6pm-7pm at the College.

Due to the structure of the evening, numbers will be capped at 60 participants. Parents/Guardians are to register for one workshop.

Students are NOT required at this event.

Each attendee must register their interest by completing the relevant Google Form.

Wednesday, 13th March https://goo.gl/forms/eSfMAPeZmvGjVki73

Thursday, 21st March https://goo.gl/forms/aTPPdbcH4gHoBqEX2

The purpose of the workshop is to provide parents/guardians with:

•             An overview of how Office 365 and Microsoft OneNote and Teams are being used to support our teaching and learning vision

•             Time to navigate their child’s notebook

•             An understanding of our Assessment and Reporting process and how Compass will be used to provide ongoing information to parents/guardians

•             An understanding of how Microsoft Outlook is being used to document home learning tasks.

What to bring:

•             A charged device (laptop, i-pad, mobile phone)

•             A device to hotspot from (e.g. mobile phone)

•             Your child’s OneNote login details

•             Your Compass login details


*This workshop is a repeat of the ICT evening that took place in 2018.