Secondary 7/8

SEW have been practicing hard each week for ‘Spectacular’. This year it’s ‘Grease’. We know the name of our class dance and are very excited to show everyone. Some of the 7/8 responses so far:-
Sierra- What is the best part of Spectacular so far? Our class dance Anthony- What are you most excited about Spectacular? – When we get to dance in front of everyone. Mitchell- What was your favourite part of last year’s Spectacular? The costumes and hair and makeup. Sascha – What are you looking forward to about Spectacular? Our class dance it’s so cool. Marius – Are you nervous about dancing on stage? No, I can’t wait to dance on stage.
Please lock in these special performance dates:
Thursday September 12th at 1.30pm School students and staff performance
Friday September 13th 7pm- Parents and Carers performance
Education Week
A highlight for SSO was Education Week where students discussed potential career options for themselves. On the Thursday they invited their parents to come and help them make a poster displaying careers they would like to do. With the help of his mum Patrick Versace’s was a crowd favourite making his poster a 3D sink as he wants to be a dish washer as soon as he can get a job.
Integrated Learning
SKH students have enjoyed learning about the brain and the human body. They dissected brains, discovered brain waves that improved learning and explored different types of healthy brain food and water. Students have demonstrated their knowledge of the human respiratory, digestive, circulatory, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems in multiple ways: completed t-charts, graphic organisers, pictures, diagrams and hands on investigations. SSO students loved using the Discovery Centre to explore the various body systems and visualise how these systems worked. Students sat together and re-constructed the human skeletal system using x-rays, they took turns at taking each other’s blood pressure and used the pump to circulate blood around the human display. All Yr. 7/8s are looking forward to the Semester two unit, ‘Feathers, Fur and Leaves’ which kicks off with a visit from the Wild Action Zoo team in week one, term 3.
Writing and Reading
There has been a high level of student engagement in reading and writing narratives this semester. Students have enthusiastically shared stories in literacy sessions and section assemblies. Top of the list has been adventure and mysteries. All students have examined the features of a narrative text including orientation, complication, sequence of events and resolution. It’s great seeing students challenged to compose sizzling starts, marvellous middles and exciting endings. Students have proudly published their stories and invited others to their book launches.
PreCAL Experimental Program
In this Semester’s Integrated Unit of ‘Teamwork, PreCAL students have participated a range of learning experiences to explore and apply effective teamwork. Students developed skills essential to team work such as attentive listening, respecting differing opinions and turn taking through a series of classroom lessons and hands-on activities. They also participated in a variety of team-building exercises such as blindfolded obstacle courses and Community Circle, developing trust and effective communication skills with their classmates. The students applied these skills to real life situations including organising and hosting the Secondary 7/8 Section BBQ, building Billy Carts and completing various jobs at Bundoora Farm including gardening, feeding and walking the animals.
As you can see below SJH loved working in teams to build their Billy Carts!
Andy: My favourite part was hammering with Jack. Rasil: My favourite part was hammering, screw driver and building the Billy Cart with Ryan. Arjun: It was so fun. I liked sitting in it. Mohammad pushed it. Mohammad: I liked making it with Danielle and Caitlin and helping with the pliers.
Most Year 7 and 8 students eagerly attended camp this term. The Year 7s went to Campaspe Downs in Kyneton. Students were encouraged to apply their personal best to further develop their skills and values in cooperation, team work, social interaction and respect. They enthusiastically participated in a variety of activities including orienteering, a night walk, bush cooking, flying fox, possum glider and the giant swing. The Year 8s went to The Summit in Trafalgar East. Students were encouraged to step outside their comfort zones and push themselves to try new experiences. They had an awesome time attempting and conquering fears in various height challenges such as Tash’s Ladder, abseiling, The Leap of Faith and the flying fox. Students got wet and muddy in the Monster Challenge and Bush Challenge. Laser Skirmish was also a lot of fun as teams navigated a military style course whilst engaging in mock battles.
Helen Edmonds
Team Leader