Specialist Program

Food Technology- Jane Stacey
In the Secondary 9/10 elective program, students have made a variety of yummy pastry based dishes. We have made a variety of sweet and savoury pies and scrolls, pasties, pakoras, spring rolls, quiche and sausage rolls. I think the most fun dish to prepare was when we had to shallow fry the spring rolls – they were super crunchy, tasty and went down a treat.
Students in this class have shown excellent kitchen skills and have really progressed throughout the last term. I look forward to cooking with them next term where we will have a series of invention challenges (think Masterchef style) and Christmas treats.
Visual Arts – Vera Mitchell
Secondary 9-12 students participate in a double ceramics session for a Semester. The content covered included exploring a variety of techniques, associated with the medium of clay. The students were required to understand how clay works and the essential process to turn the material into ceramics. These students also used the potter's wheel and experienced the complexity involved when using it.
Physical Education – Hayley Northridge
Interschool Sport Football Tournament
On Wednesday 11th September 3 students from Concord participated in a football match at the Trevor Barker Oval in Sandringham. They represented the Northern team which was made up of students from other special schools in the Northern region. They played against the Southern region team.
It was a tough game with both teams giving their all. This year the Southern team came away with the win. Our boys should be very proud of themselves as they gave it everything they had and worked hard for four quarters. Our very own Jesse Johnson was selected by the coaches for best on ground.
Well done boys
Outdoor Education – Donna Thomas
This Term students in Secondary 9/10 have been learning how to kayak at La Trobe University using the swimming pool. Students have learnt a variety of skills including entry and exit of a kayak and how to paddle around in the water using an oar. We have had a lot of fun!
Science – Sam Hutson
This term Secondary 9/10 students in the ‘Beakers and Microscopes’ Elective have been learning about the different types of science equipment located in the Discovery Centre. Each week students are introduced to a new piece of equipment and use it functionally during small group experiments. These experiments have included; Sugar, Salt and Borax Crystals, Water Stacking Sugar Density, 5 Cent and Penny Pipette Challenge, Bottle Flipping, Popping Test Tube, Balloon in a Flask and Does Mint Cool Water? The students are also looking forward to using the new light microscopes with prepared slides next term.
Digital Technology – Jess Mitchell
The focus for Digital Technology this year is movie making. The Secondary 7/8 classes dove into making a LEGO Movie using the LEGO Movie Maker App and their choice of characters. To film, they had to move their LEGO characters in very small movements and then take a photo, then move it again and then another photo. The smaller the movements, the smoother the film looked. It took a lot of patience but it was worth it to see the moving LEGO at the end. The 9/10 classes had a chance to create a short movie in front of the green screen. They could use costumes if they wished and then used the iMovie program to change their green background to any picture they wanted. They also created new music using Garageband to add to their movie. It has been a fun semester!
Career Education – Annemarie Holmyard
This year we have introduced the 9/10 students to the concepts of entrepreneurship and enterprise. Students have investigated successful businesses and have presented these ideas to a ‘Shark tank’ Panel –Colin and Helen for school approval and investment. This included a sausage sizzle day, Sausage Roll day and a competition to guess the lollies in the jar. All proceeds from the student’s ventures are to be donated to the Australian Marine Conservation Society.
Jane Stacey
Acting Team Leader