Secondary 9/10

Highlights and Achievements for Term 3
With Term 3 coming to a close the Secondary 9/10 can reflect on what has been a very busy few months.
Firstly, each class partook in a sports session run by Parade College students. Our students enjoyed the chance to work with Parade and the sessions allowed them to explore differing sports and skills. We were fortunate enough to have the author Dee White visit during Book Week. The students had well prepared questions and were able to glean what it is actually like to be a published author. Our annual Showcase evening was again a huge hit. Thank you to all parents and carers who attended. The night is always made richer when students are able to show you their work and allow you in sight into their daily programs at Concord School.
With our Anglesea Surf Camp approaching in the first three weeks of term we cannot wait to report back on what transpires there in our Term 4 newsletter.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Jane Black
Acting Team Leader