Foundation Unit


Last week the Foundation students participated in their first Woodend Primary School Lapathon. The excitement was very high as we went down to meet our Year Six leaders who walked us around the first lap. Then we were off! We were amazed at how many laps little Foundation legs could do. Everyone was happy and smiling until the end, with running or walking through the clouds of bubbles a favourite part of the event for most students. The Foundation students loved the sausage sizzle and the tug of war. JU1 won the tug of war for the Foundation year level and cheered loudly when the teachers were beaten by the Grade 6 students.

Thanks to Miss Mann for all her hard work preparing the event, the parents who cooked all the sausages and the parents who came along to cheer and support the students. It was a great day and lots of fun for everyone.

Literacy Challenge

Years F-6

Design & create a new book cover for a favourite book

(Junior students can write words or a short sentence)

Include the following things:

  • A clear title, the names of the author & illustrator
  • A creative picture or graphic design for the cover
  • A brief summary of the plot (blurb) on the back of the cover
  • A review (opinion) about the book –

‘A superb book with magical characters’

‘I highly recommend reading this book’

  • Remember to include your name and grade on the inside of the cover

Feel free to make any of your own additions.   Examples below:-