Middle Unit 

Years 1 and 2

Last week the Year 1/2’s participated in the annual Lapathon challenge. The students ran and walked around a course taking them from the playground to the local churchyard across the road..hallelujah the rain luckily held off for the event! The student’s determination and strength was further tested in an afternoon of Tug of War battles against the other grades. The students proudly tallied up their lap cards which have been taken home to await sponsorship from families. In other news MU1 have been exploring traditional forms of clothing worn by the Aboriginal people who lived in our local area. We have been creating our own version of the possum skin cloak by stitching colourful patterns and stories on hessian.

Literacy Challenge

Years F-6

Design & create a new book cover for a favourite book

(Junior students can write words or a short sentence)

Include the following things:

  • A clear title, the names of the author & illustrator
  • A creative picture or graphic design for the cover
  • A brief summary of the plot (blurb) on the back of the cover
  • A review (opinion) about the book –

‘A superb book with magical characters’

‘I highly recommend reading this book’

  • Remember to include your name and grade on the inside of the cover

Feel free to make any of your own additions.   Examples below:-

Year 3

Another busy week in Year 3! This week we have been learning how to draw symmetrical shapes. We discovered a great website; google “Maths is fun Symmetry Artist” and your child will be able to show you how to draw symmetrical pictures. MU7 are showing you some of their great creations below.

Does your child receive pocket money? Are they exposed to using coins and notes when going shopping with you? We are continuing to encourage students to practise using money and making change in real world situations. Any opportunity your child has to help you pay for something when shopping would be great! 


The last few weeks we have been concentrating on the reading strategies of Inferring, Analysing and Critiquing. Students have been critiquing books we have been reading, focusing on what features engage the reader and what they enjoyed/didn’t enjoy in the text.


In writing, we have continued to work on the draft of our Realistic Fiction about a celebration from around the world. Students are getting closer to publishing their books!


  • The final payment for camp is due tomorrow 30th of August.  If you haven’t returned the Medical Form, please do so asap.

Literacy Challenge

Years F-6

Design & create a new book cover for a favourite book

(Junior students can write words or a short sentence)

Include the following things:

  • A clear title, the names of the author & illustrator
  • A creative picture or graphic design for the cover
  • A brief summary of the plot (blurb) on the back of the cover
  • A review (opinion) about the book –

‘A superb book with magical characters’

‘I highly recommend reading this book’

  • Remember to include your name and grade on the inside of the cover

Feel free to make any of your own additions.   Examples below:-

Year 3 Teachers

Miss Geer, Mrs Meggs and Miss Radz