Community Member Profile

Craig Stephens - Presiding Member of the Board

What were the reasons for you agreeing to join the School Board in 2011?

Prior to 2011, I had been approached by a Board member and a member of the school executive to serve on the Finance Risk and Audit Committee with my skills and experience as an accountant being the key factor from the school's viewpoint. At the time I had three children at the school and was very happy to serve in that role. When the opportunity arose to join the Board we had significant experience of the school and its impact on our children and were very happy with how that was progressing. I had some experience on Boards by then and thought it appropriate as a member of the school community to contribute something further to the endeavours of the school.


What makes a Friends' education unique and important?

When my wife and I decided to send our children to the school we had no previous experience at the school. Our investigations indicated it was a co-ed school with terrific results in the academic side of learning but also with a focus on the development of their students as contributors to society, all of which was especially important to us. We have been delighted that the school has borne out our initial investigations and been significant contributors to our children’s development across all aspects of their lives and studies.


What are some of the key focus areas for the Board in the coming year?

The Board in conjunction with the Executive of the school has worked to develop Key Areas of Strategic Responsibility for the school to progress over the coming three years. Key areas in this include progressing the Campus Redevelopment Project, ongoing review of the teaching program to ensure best practice outcomes and continued expansion of our community engagement program.  These have now been overlaid with the responsibilities of guiding the school through the changing landscape caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The balance required is for us to ensure our Teaching and Learning outcomes for students are delivered to the high standard expected while dealing with the operational issues and changing environment caused by the pandemic during a particularly difficult financial time for the whole school community and in particular the families of students who may be directly impacted.


How do you intend to go about your role as Presiding Member of the Board of Governors?

I am fortunate to have served on the Board under the clear and considered guidance of three previous Presiding Members, James Cretan, Siobhan Harpur and Julian Robertson. While my own personal style may differ I would hope that this clear and considered approach is one that I can continue as it fits nicely with the Purpose and Concerns of the school and the rich tradition of the Board.


I am delighted to have been given this opportunity and consider it an honour to be the Presiding Member of the Friends School Board.