Prep / One / Two
News from Prep/One
Literacy News
We have been working on several MSL (Multi-sensory Structured Literacy) concepts over the past couple of weeks. We have introduced the concept of open and closed syllables - check out this video We have also looked at the silent-e syllable (magic-e or bossy-e) - check out this video We have also begun to teach common digraphs such as [sh], [ch], [ph]. We are reading words (decoding), writing words (encoding) and doing dictation to practise writing using our new knowledge. We have changed our morning focus with the children coming into school and putting their home reading bags on their tables, reading the book they had the night before to themselves and to partners then changing their books over. If you would like to come in and help listen to a few children read that would be great! 15 mins is all that we need. The more our children read the better they will become at reading! I found this infographic (from America) online – thought it was an interesting read!
Our previous focus in Maths was fractions. We looked at halves and quarters and how the parts of a fraction must be of equal size. We worked on cutting and folding shapes in half and quarters, colouring in half or a quarter of a shape and partitioning (drawing a line/s through) shapes to make fractions. We have started a new topic about patterns. We have been making patterns with concrete objects. Your child has in their school bag a Ziploc bag with cards to make into patterns. We will be covering TIME in the next few weeks.
We have been focusing on logging onto the computer, opening up a Word document, inserting a picture and adding text. It is a long and complicated job to remember all of the steps, it’s been quite a challenge for most of the children. If you have a computer at home take your child through the steps for extra practice. Mathletics is next on our list of programmes to master. We will have our first session next week. Their passwords are pasted into their diaries.
Integrated Studies
Our unit this term is ‘Personal Safety’. We have been practising ringing ‘000’ if there is an emergency. It is vital that your child can say their name, address and your phone numbers – not many in the class can do this. We have had the visit to the fire station and learned about “Stop, drop and roll” if your clothes are on fire, “Get down low and go, go go!” if the building is on fire and “Get out and STAY OUT!” if there is a fire. We have talked about how to get out of the window if you can’t get to a door. (Can your child open the windows at your place or will they need to smash the glass?). We have discussed where your family’s meeting point is in case of fire – front gate? Shed?
In our Health lessons covering the 4R’s - Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships – we have looked at conflict resolution, having uncomfortable feelings such as cross, frustrated, afraid, annoyed etc and how to seek help. Your child took home some puppets to play with and use to sing a chant about asking for help. During our Play is the Way sessions we have been playing ‘Robots’, ‘ZigZag ball’ and ‘Team Brandy’. We were lucky enough to have Wilson McCaskill work with our grade. He played some fun games with the children whilst talking about the difference between being older and growing up. You can have a birthday and BE older but you might still need to grow up and act accordingly - “If you are 6 years old, are you acting like a grown up 6 year old or still like a 4 year old?” Wilson talked about how we expect your best behaviour – don’t disappoint us - it takes great strength to be sensible!
Check out the calendar for the important dates coming up – Open Day, Father’s Day ‘Minute to Win it’ Night, Arts Spectacular – there is so much to look forward to!
Natalie, Wendi and Kids
News From One/Two
During spelling lessons we have been continuing our learning about the floss rule. 'We often double l, f or s following a single vowel at the end of a word of one syllable work as in will, off, and roll.' We have had a focus on reading each day aloud at school to help with sounding out and applying learnt language rules to unfamiliar words. During Maths lessons we have been learning about skip counting patterns and multiplication. The students have been using repeated addition, as well as drawing groups of to solve multiplication problems. During our integrated studies unit about safety we have been learning how to call 000 and what questions they will ask to get the information that they require to help us.