Sports News
Our swimming program has had a successful start with lots of smiles and splashes! Squad training is also underway with over 30 students opting to participate this year which is fantastic. Students are reminded to bring labelled swim gear so they are able to retrieve any lost items. Many thanks to Mrs Spence for her organisation and to all of our teachers for their involvement. Special thanks to our awesome parent Lisa Monson who has been working with our SQUAD too. Swimming is an essential skill and experience for our students however it does take a huge amount of organisation and flexibility to get a program up and running. It is really wonderful to reflect on the development of our swimming program over the past few years. Well done to our team!
This year our swim trials will be held at SPLASH in Leongatha on Thursday 15th February. These trials are held to give students in Years 3 - 6 the opportunity to try out for the District Swimming Competition and are for our stronger swimmers who can comfortably swim 50m in a given stroke. (Please note that there are age restrictions for this level of competition - See Mrs Benita Spence for more details.)
Loch students will participate in their chosen swimming event(s) and age group. They will be timed and technique will also be checked. These trials will be conducted by our qualified SQUAD instructors; Mr Mark Hunter, Mrs Lisa Monson and Mrs Jody Achterdenbosch. Results will then be compared with the other Karmai Cluster Schools and candidates selected for the District Competition.
If your child has been invited to attend the trials please provide your consent on COMPASS.
To celebrate the conclusion of our swimming program, we will host our annual swimming carnival at the POOWONG POOL. Students will have an opportunity to display their swimming skills in fun races, events and games. Students may place a lunch order for a $5 sausage sizzle provided by our Parents and Friends Association on the day. Lunch order forms will be sent home shortly.
Students are to wear full school uniform to school and bring their swimming gear with them along with house colour accessories and clothing. (for example coloured t-shirt, streamer, hat, funny sunglasses or wig etc) Please make sure all items are named including bathers, towel, rash/sun vest. Please log in to COMPASS to give consent for your child to attend this event.
Students will be advised of their NEW HOUSES and colours for 2018 shortly.
Students will change into their bathers and house colour accessories at school prior to travelling to the pool. Students are to bring a packed lunch and water bottles. A BBQ will be provided by our Parents & Friends Association and details regarding food items and prices will be available shortly.