Important Info for Parents
Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund for Families.
To be eligible for the CSEF: On the first day of term one (29 January 2018) or the first day of term two (18 April 2018), a parent or legal guardian of a student must:
- be an eligible beneficiary of one of these cards:
- Veterans Affairs Gold Card
- Centrelink Health Care Card
- Pensioner Concession Card
- OR they must be a temporary foster parent
- OR the student is 16 years or older and holds a valid concession card (such as a Youth Allowance Health Care Card)
- AND the parent or legal guardian must submit an application by the due date.
Parents who receive a carer allowance on behalf of a child, or any other benefit or allowance not income tested by Centrelink, are not eligible for the CSEF unless they also comply with the above.
Eligibility will be determined when the parent’s concession card successfully validates with Centrelink on either the first day of term one or term two.
The requirement for parents to complete and submit a new application form each year, has been removed from 2018. Parents that received CSEF in 2017 do not need to complete an application form in 2018, providing there has been no change in their family circumstances.
Lunch Orders are available on Thursdays. Student orders are to be clearly written on a lunch bag with money enclosed and placed in the class tub at the office before 9.00am. Lunch orders are delivered just before 1.15pm. Click below for lunch order menu.
Students are able to join the Commonwealth Bank's school banking program. Information has been sent home with students. Please follow the instructions to apply for a YouthSaver account. Bank books are collected Wednesdays at the school. See Lyn in the office for assistance if needed.
Loch Primary School
is now a FARMGATE
How exciting for our community Loch Primary School has just become a FarmGate! Order your organic or conventional produce online and collect your order from the school each Thursday! 100% Australian produce sourced as locally as possible and the school gets a percentage of the value of the orders toward their annual fundraising. If you are interested jump online and check out the produce available. We are open to all of the Loch community. Please share
Loch Primary School has registered for the Coles Sports for schools program. please collect your stickers and bring to the school office.
Term 1: 29 January (school teachers start) to 29 March (Thursday) *
Term 2: 16 April to 29 June
Term 3: 16 July to 21 September
Term 4: 8 October to 21 December