Positive Climate for Learning Update

Positive Climate for Learning Update
Year 12 Exams are now well and truly underway. Thank you for supporting your student during their study period. All Epping Secondary College staff have been giving our 12s a smile and an encouraging word as we see them around the school preparing for their exams.
Many are coming in to study, to seek assistance, advice and a familiar face, and – these 12s haven’t seen 12s go through this since they were in Year 9, so they also haven’t had the usual amount of role-modelling. In saying that, they are doing very well, and utilising study and preparation skills they have been armed with throughout the year.
Coming to every classroom at Epping Secondary College this term as a reference point for staff and students in providing clear and consistent expectations is our newly completed Behaviour Flowchart (please refer to below).
All staff and students are encouraged to utilise this as a reference point for classes, groups of students and individual students in preventative, active and restorative discussions and practice in fostering positive relationships and productive classrooms.
As the school continues to work through the process of reviewing our current uniform and uniform policy, we have reached the point where we are gaining student voice and agency through year-level focus groups.
These will occur over the coming weeks. Some parent and staff voice has also been captured, with more to follow in coming weeks.
Nominations for ESC 2023 Epping Secondary College School Captains are now closed with interviews for School Captains occurring on Friday November 4. An announcement of our successful applicants will be made in the coming weeks, once all applications have been processed.
The ESC 2023 School Captain structure will be:
Annette Spence
Assistant Principal
Positive Climate for Learning
Epping Secondary College