Library News

Our library is a vibrant, active and welcoming place and this has been clearly evident in Term 4.
As usual, we have been host to our VCE students revising and planning but this time, the focus has been on their exams. We can clearly see that students choose to study in different ways according to their learning needs. There are the silent achievers who work quietly on their own in our carrels, those with study buddy groups who collaborate using whiteboards to go through the content and skills taught to them by our wonderful teachers, and groups with our Tutor Chris Peake and our VCE teachers.
We will greatly miss the Class of 2022 and wish them all the very best as they head onto their next path. We hope you visit in the future.
We've also been busy with an increase in reading for leisure, particularly with our generified (putting all books together based on their topic) book collection that includes both fiction and non-fiction books. Books connected to Netflix or TikTok recommendations have been very popular and it's wonderful to see our students' recommending books to each other. We have also listened to our students and increased our Graphic Novel and Manga collection, much to their delight.
Our Humanities classes have been coming in and taking advantage of our books and expert knowledge whilst exploring countries around the world as well as Australian landscapes and landforms through library research sessions and the Humanities website we have developed:
The library also provides our students with a Library site that has an abundance of resources at:
Students can take advantage of not only our physical books but also the One Search option when searching for resources. We have a recommended website list within our system that can assist students with their research.
Lunchtimes are filled with students studying or participating in our various clubs;
Book Club, Craft Club and the new beginnings of our Makerspace. We also have Homework Club running every Wednesday & Thursday afternoon.
Our Craft Club is currently hand-making a Remembrance Day wreath which will be placed by our flag poles in commemoration of those who have been affected by war around the world. On the left is an arrangement created by the club with the wonderful guidance of Ms Riveira. The flowers are made of recycled pages from an old book and all other items were collected from the school grounds.
We would like to extend an invitation out to anyone in the community who may have an interest in Robotics and would like to offer some advice to our Makerspace club that is about to be launched for our students. Students will be given details very soon regarding this and if successful, we can extend the club through to next year and potentially having community visitors. We have several robotics kits that are waiting for an expert to unbox them.
The library staff are very proud of being able to provide a comfortable, neutral and stress-free space for all the school community. It's exciting to see how well the space is utilised. We hope our students feel safe and welcomed.
The library team:
Mary Mesquita - Teacher Librarian
Louise Krionas - Library Technician
Janet Kilkenny - Library Assistant
Sana Ahmadian - Library Assistant (Friday work placement)