Tech Ambassadors

Tech Ambassadors' Countdown to Maker Faire! (Monday 24th October)


Student tech ambassadors Izabela (7F), Paxton and Naman (8A), and Theo (9G) attended their last workshop on Monday, 24th October, in preparation to present their projects to Grade Three and Four students in the upcoming Maker Faire event.

Naman demonstrating his Makey Makey fruit piano key session
Paxton working on his PowerPoint for the Grade 3 & 4 students
Naman demonstrating his Makey Makey fruit piano key session
Paxton working on his PowerPoint for the Grade 3 & 4 students

The ambassadors worked with their team mates to finalise their materials needed for their sessions, as well as do a test run of their projects. Posters, presentations, a test run and final feedback and improvements to their projects were completed. We look forward to seeing the Ambassadors showcase their leadership and communication skills in the Maker Faire!

Theo's illuminating triangle working like a treat!
Izabela's final display posters created using the app Picta
Theo's illuminating triangle working like a treat!
Izabela's final display posters created using the app Picta