Principal's Report

Simone Wood, Principal

Hello Everyone,


New School Crossing thank you

I know ‘Thank you’ is not enough when I see how effectively our new school crossing is working! Cars are slowing down and waiting. Students are lining up ready to cross, parents are picking up their children from the gate and crossing with them and the OSHC staff are using the new path and walking their charges to the after-school bus. It has certainly made a huge difference and proves what can be done when the school and parents work together. A sincere thank you to our Buildings & Grounds team and parent volunteers who have done a magnificent job. Our school is now much safer.


2023 Classes

We are currently working through the placement of students for next year. Presently the numbers of students at Newham for 2023 will determine the mix of students in each classroom. With less Prep numbers across the Macedon Ranges Shire, our share of the Prep intake means we will be running a Prep/1. Our numbers also determine that there will be a 2/3 class. We also have a large cohort of 4s and a large cohort of 6s with a slightly smaller number of year 5s in between. Based on the methods regularly used in determining class make up, the following will once again be taken into consideration. Teacher recommendations, Student indication of preferred peer groups, friendships, learning styles and needs, available teachers, combinations of children, an accommodation of cohort needs, and the ability of the structure to allow student intake throughout the year as well as a range of other factors. Consequently, we have the potential to run a 4/5 and a 5/6 (this may change as Braemar are yet to complete their Term 4 offers). These two classes will be run in rooms next to each other with scope for them to mix as needed. Consideration will also be given to year 5s wishing to build their leadership and mentoring capacity in the 4/5 class. Should parents wish to discuss the 4-6 configuration further please call.



This week there have been various tradespeople coming and going as they inspect the effects of the inundation of water into the main building. The restoration of the middle space and classrooms affected by the water is the domain of the DET Melbourne office and of course due to the flooding throughout the state there are a number of schools who also have a restoration situation to deal with. Our thoughts go out to Darraweit Guim Primary School. The whole school was under water up to the top of the door frames. They lost everything, so we have donated learning materials to their students. They have had to temporarily move into a corner of Wallan Primary School while DET restore their school. 

Meanwhile we hope that it won’t be too much longer before our situation is resolved. However, classes may be displaced from the main building for quite a while yet.

At this point I would like to give a massive thank you to the staff of Newham Primary School. Tim and Rai did a fantastic job of coordinating the response to the water inundation. Thank you also to our parents who came and helped.  The towels provided by many families have been cleaned and are available to be picked up from the office.


World Teacher’s Day                                                             

Australia will celebrate the teaching profession on World Teachers’ Day on Friday 28 October 2022.  ‘Australian teachers have shown great resilience during challenging times, all so they can give students the best future possible’. 


Hats off to teachers this World Teachers’ Day!   


Following are some reflections from our Newham teachers about ‘What it means to be a teacher!’ 


‘Teaching means supporting children to experience the joy of learning - the wonder of discovering new things about the world, as well as the thrill of mastering a new skill after trying and trying and trying again'. 


'Teaching is helping children be and become who they want to be, in the now and for the future. It is emotionally and intellectually demanding but it is a privilege’. 


‘Being a teacher is like being one of my students. Like my students, I learn new and amazing things every day. There are challenges, but seeing my students achieve things, big or small, is the most incredible feeling’.  


‘To inspire students to be lifelong learners’.


‘That first ah-ha moment when the light switches on for a student and they get it. That was the most satisfying and most memorable thing and the moment I knew I had chosen the right profession’.


‘Being a teacher means not only teaching my students but learning from them too’.

‘Although teaching has its challenges, it is an amazing privilege. I always start each session optimistic about the possibility that children will be inspired to learn, gain understandings, and make connections to the world. I get to share my passion about so many areas of the curriculum and watch students develop their own interests and love of learning. Teaching children to be their 'best selves' and negotiate inter-personal relationships provides me with personal goals to reach and maintain. Even the more challenging days give me the opportunity for self-reflection and learning. I hope that my role as a teacher will make a difference in the lives of children, from realising that maths is amazing to loving learning about our incredible world’.


Our staff here at Newham have consistently stepped up to deliver learning during the pandemic and especially this year as children have returned to school dysregulated and anxious. I applaud how our staff have catered for diverse needs, and with the support of parents maintained a learning focus for our students. 

So, on Friday don’t forget to remind your teacher to have a ‘Happy world teacher’s Day’ and perhaps even take your hat off to them if you have one.


Activities Ahead


Coming up tomorrow (Fri 28th) is a casual clothes day. There is no gold coin donation required for this day but if students would like to observe Halloween in the way they dress, they are welcome.


Next Wednesday a group of year 8 students from Braemar College  are coming to visit our year 3s and perform some short plays and read stories they have written specifically for this age group.


Next Friday (4th Nov) is our first Transition Day for our 2023 preps (9.30am -10.40am). Prep students are invited to come and visit with Alyssa for the morning. Students are asked to bring one small snack that they can eat easily (preferably nude food). Parents will need to sign their child in at the outside door of the Prep room. Your child will eat their snack in the classroom just prior to 10.40, which is our recess. With parent supervision, our 2023 Preps may stay for recess. If staying for some of recess doesn’t work for you or your child, we will repeat this pattern at the next visit. 


2023 Prep parents are invited to attend a morning tea on Friday 4th November during their child’s Transition session. Coffee, cake, and conversation in the staff room. Second hand uniform will be available to peruse along with uniform samples from our uniform supplier eduThreads so that sizing can be ascertained prior to ordering online.


Friday 11th November we will hold a remembrance ceremony (outside, weather permitting). In support of our local RSL we will also be holding a causal clothes day on this day. Students may wear casual clothes adding a little bit of red to represent poppies. (A change from wearing our red uniform). This will be a gold coin donation event with money raised going to the RSL.


Have a lovely weekend everyone.

