Student Wellbeing

Grandparents / Special Persons Day:

We are excited to extend an invitation and open up our classrooms to our very first ever Grandparents Day. We will be inviting our student's Grandparents or special persons into school for the morning of Friday the 28th of October, between 9:00am and 11:00am.On the day, starting at 9am, please make your way down to the short, welcoming liturgy service, either in the hall or the oval (depending on numbers and weather). At the conclusion of the liturgy, grandparents will be invited into their grandkids' classroom for some activities together. Activities will range from interviewing each other with questions and answers, games, art, story time etc. If grandparents have multiple grandchildren, there will be opportunities to move between classrooms to give equal time to all grandchildren.Between 10:45am and 11:00am morning tea begins (students will need to provide own morning tea/recess) which grandparents are welcome to stay for with the students. Upon the completion of this, students will head outside for recess play, which will conclude our Grandparents Day celebration.If grandparents could, please consider bringing in some artefacts from their lives/childhood to share stories with their grandchildren. These could be items of clothing, photos, medals, newspaper clippings, old toys etc.On the day, if possible, please consider parking across the road to allow for any grandparents who are elderly or disabled who need to park close as possible to the school. We also ask that parents please refrain from attending unless needed to assist grandparents, medically, this is to avoid increasing our numbers on site. We have around 250 families and if all four grandparent attend, we are potentially looking at 1000 guests on site. help us best cater for the morning, could you please complete the form below to RSVP your interest to attend the day and how many grandparents / special persons will be attending from your family. Many thanks and looking forward to what is shaping up to be a really special day.Any questions please feel free Dojo or email Ben -