Catholic Identity

Time to Reflect- Recent Floods
As many of us begin to re-start and rebuild after last week’s floods in the Goulburn Valley, recent relief efforts across all areas of Mooroopna and Shepparton have been proven, what a great community we have here in the Goulburn Valley.
A message which comes to mind when witnessing such great support and community, is a quote from Saint Mary MacKillop, ‘Never see a need without doing something about it!’ For me and many I have spoken to, this is exactly what many were actioning in our great rural community! Supporting others in any way we could.
Well done Goulburn Valley, we are a great community! A big ‘SHOUT OUT’ to friends, family and all the volunteers who did whatever they could to support and help others during this testing time.
This message from Saint Mary MacKillop, ‘Never see a need without doing something about it!, is definitely worth exploring with our students and even within your own families. This is what makes us who we are, ‘God’s people’; giving, supporting, helping, and being there when there is a need!
If you or someone you know needs assistance due to the impact of the floods, please reach out and call any of the appropriate services listed below.
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
- Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
- Headspace,au
- Catholic Care
We pray that you and your family are staying safe during these challenging times.
Welcome Back Father Jackson
We welcome back Father Jackson Saunders after taking leave at the end of last term, returning from a trip overseas. We hope he is well rested and ready for a busy final term ahead.
End of Term 3 – class visits from Father Jackson
At the end of last term, Father Jackson made time to visit each Learning Community.
Many teachers commented on how engaged the students were in his discussions with the students on their final Religious Education topics for the term. The students were also given question time at the end of the topic discussion and many were very interested in Father Jackson’s local radio footy commentary schedule and they were very impressed with his knowledge and passion for the game.
Thank you Father Jackson and we look forward to your next visit!
Celebration Mass
On Friday, 14th October all the 3/4 students participated in a beautiful celebration Mass for all our sacramental students for 2022.
It was a lovely celebration with many of our students Reading, taking up the gifts, Altar Serving and singing. The Mass was followed up with a celebration party in the Mons Jeffery centre behind the church for all of the Sacramental students.
A big thank you to Father Joe, Father Jackson and Laura O’Sullivan for all their work in assisting the students in their Sacramental preparation time.
We look forward to witnessing the ‘faith journey’ in these wonderful Sacramental students. Congratulations.