A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
It was lovely being able to start school this week after having a week away from school due to the floods.
Students and teachers were very happy to be back at school with their teachers and friends. We are thinking of all families that were greatly affected by the floods. The Shepparton/Mooroopna Community were fantastic in their response to this natural disaster.
Thanks to all parents who offered support. For people wanting to help, St. Vincent De Paul Society has established a Victorian Flood Appeal.
Contributions can be made by visiting the St. Vinnies Website or by visiting your local IGA where the purchase of a token supports the recovery of Victorians devastated by these recent floods.
Foundation 2023 Students
Next Friday, 4th November we welcome our Foundation Students for 2023.
They will attend school from 9.15am to 11.00am. All Foundation parents have been notified by email.
We have two Transition days and then Orientation Day will be held on Tuesday, 13th December.
World Teacher's Day
Today marks World Teacher's Day 2022.
Thanks to Parents and Friends that supplied the students with 'Thank You' cards to write to the teachers.
Our teachers are very dedicated with a strong work ethic. Our teachers have shown great resilience during challenging times, also they can give Australian students the best future possible.
Teachers have the greatest in-school impact in the learning lives of our students.
We as teachers are extremely grateful for the wonderful occupation that we are in.
Thank you St. Brendan's Teachers.
Yours sincerely,
Paula Stevenson - Principal