School Council

Your school council met online once again Monday last week. We looked at the possibility of an in-person catch up but with the crazy wet weather, Covid and other bugs still about and the staffroom now a part of the building works it seemed best to stay online…for now.


Kylie had lots to share with us. It sounds like Kylie and Kerryn have been very busy moving furniture and preparing for the start of building works.  There is always lots of work to do and we thank Kylie, Kerryn and anyone else who has pitched in for all their efforts.  There will be a lot more work to come, so please keep an eye on School Stream for volunteer requests and come along to help if you can.


Kylie’s update also included the wonderful news that we have received a Shade Sails Grant which will be put to good use, hopefully in time for summer which is fast approaching. 


And finally she gave us an overview of our amazing NAPLAN results. Our students always work hard and give their best, so congratulations to all the students who took part in NAPLAN this year, well done!


There are also lots of events going at Weeden.  The Mega Raffle was drawn at assembly on Monday so congratulations to all our winners.  Well done and a big thank you to the PFA for running the Bunnings sausage sizzle on the weekend.  It sounds like it was very successful in spite of the terrible weather.  And we still have some great events coming up…so have fun picking outfits for the PFA Melbourne Cup Dress Up Day and make sure you get your tickets for the Movie Night!


As a final thought we are still looking for enrolments for next year and the best ‘advertisement’ for our amazing school comes from parents. If you know anyone with young children please talk to them about why you chose Weeden and encourage them to come for a tour. Please also take a moment to leave a Google review for Weeden Heights, with a comment on what you love about the school.


Until next time stay safe and dry!






Karen Jansen

School Council President