Parents Victoria E-Conference

We're excited to invite you to our 2022 E-Conference. We believe the theme - "Life is Relational - Relationship based Education" is a critically important concept for the future of education - and it's relevant in everything we do!
Read more about Relationship based Education on our website.
All the details are below. We hope to see you there!
Parents Victoria team
PV E-Conference webinar - 24 October
Relationship based Education (RbE) is a philosophy of education that puts relationships at the centre. It was developed by John Hendry OAM based on his 50 years experience as an educator. Relationships that form in the educational environment are the bedrock for everything else that happens.
This e-conference is suitable for parents and schools.
Conference speakers
The conference will be opened by the Minister for Education, Natalie Hutchins.
John Hendry will introduce the concept of Relationship based Education, followed by academic Kristin Reimer speaking on what teachers need to know and how RbE can help. Then we'll hear from teachers and principals who are actually putting RbE into practice. You'll hear how it's been working at Ocean Grove Primary School and Prahran High School. John Hendry has worked with both schools to implement the RbE philosophy, so you can hear how it works 'on the ground'.
There will be a chance to ask questions via the Q&A box.
Top row, from left: Natalie Hutchins (Minister for Education), John Hendry OAM, Kristin Reimer PhDBottom row, from left: Scott McCumber (Principal, Ocean Grove Primary School),Andy McNeilly (Mental Health & Wellbeing Co-ordinator, Ocean Grove Primary School), Nathan Chisholm (Principal, Prahran High School), Shannan Roberts (Assistant Principal, Prahran High School)
PV Annual General Meeting
We encourage PV members to participate in the AGM component of the program (12.30-12.55).
The Annual Report will be presented at the AGM.
Full program
Download our conference brochure
The conference will be held on Zoom.Date: 24 October, 10:00am - 1:00pm
The Conference is free but registration is essential.