Assistant Principal's Update
Term 4 Week 2
Assistant Principal's Update
Term 4 Week 2
Dear Families, Students and Community Members,
Welcome back to our final term for the year. The days are getting lighter and longer, and we are starting to see the weather warm up.
Students are wearing their summer uniforms which is great to see.
Further to last week’s reminder about the uniform, the options for students this term include:
Summer Uniform
Dress | School dress |
Shirt | Tailored short-sleeved business shirt with school logo |
Shorts | Grey tailored shorts |
Trousers | Grey trousers |
Socks/ Tights | White, black, or grey plain socks (no logo) Plain skin coloured pantyhose (no leggings) |
Shoes | Plain Polishable black leather (with a heel), black lace-up school shoes (No T-bars, suede, sport shoe or sneakers) |
Outerwear | Green Middle School jumper with school logo – Years 7-9 Charcoal grey Senior School jumper with school logo – Years 10-12 Black polar fleece jacket with school logo Black waterproof coat with school logo Black college blazer with crest |
Bag | Green Mordialloc College school bag |
Accessories | Black broad-brimmed or bucket hat |
PE uniform
Shirt | Green sports mesh polo shirt with school logo |
Shorts | Black microfiber Mordialloc College sports shorts |
Pants | Black Mordialloc College track pants |
Socks | Sport socks or white socks |
Shoes | Runners (predominantly white, not back soled) |
Rugby Jumper | Mordialloc College rugby jumper |
Students in Years 7 and 8 can wear their PE uniform on the days that they have Sport which is Tuesdays for Year 7 and Fridays for Year 8. In addition, all students, including Year 9, can wear their PE uniform on the days that they have PE timetabled.
In the final week of last term, students studying a Unit 3/ 4 subject participated in practice exams. This term, these students will receive feedback on how they went. With this information, and the actual practice of sitting exams, our students will be able to be better prepared and equipped for the actual final exams. For some of our students, exams have already started for some languages and performance subjects.
For most of our students studying Units 3/ 4 subjects, the first exam will be the English exam or the English as an Additional Language (EAL) exam. This is scheduled for Wednesday 26 October.
Our Years 9, 10 and 11 students will see exams start in early November. Further details about these will be provided in the coming weeks.
Before we know it, we will see the end of this academic year and our new 2023 Headstart program will commence. For all year levels, Headstart will commence on Monday 21 November.
Preparation is well underway with timetabling, subjects, and resources for 2023. A timely reminder for all students and families that subjects for students going into Years 9 – 12 have been distributed, allowing everyone to organise their resources for Headstart.
Campion Resources
All of our Campion booklists can be accessed via our College Website ( Orders can be placed online. To ensure they are delivered in time for Headstart, families need to submit these by Sunday 30 October.
Edrolo Resources
To organise VCE Edrolo resources, families can go straight to the Edrolo Parent Portal.
Information has now become available for families to see what Edrolo is, costs involved, how to pay and how to activate accounts. Please refer to the attached PDF below.
We continue to provide frequent communication to families reporting on how students are progressing in their subjects. Our next set of progress checks are schedule to be released soon. We will be splitting the feedback to families. Year 12 students and their families saw Progress Check 5 released on the last day of Term 3, Friday 16 September. For all other students (Years 7 – 11), including Year 11 students enrolled in a Unit 3/ 4 subject, Progress Check 5 will be released at the end of this week, Friday 14 October.
For our Progress Checks, we will be reporting on the three aspects of Attendance, Learning Behaviours and Academic Performance.
Adequate attendance is integral to the successful completion of units of study. At Mordialloc College, we want students to attend at least 90 % of their lessons. The attendance on Progress Checks will be from the start of the semester.
Learning Behaviours
These align with our School Values of Personal Best, Integrity, Respect and Responsibility. Please used the attached rubric for more information.
Academic Performance
We will notify families of how students are performing in class. We want to see all students on track. Parents and carers are encouraged to contact relevant teachers via email during school hours if they have any questions or concerns, or to celebrate successes.
Further information about progress checks and how we assess and report on our students can be found in the Reporting Information for Families document located in the Favourites list (Star Menu) on Compass.
Another plug for our Mordialloc College Student Council (MCSC). By becoming a member of the MCSC, students will have greater opportunities in leadership, voice, and agency. Applications are due this week. Students are to submit their applications to Mr Simon Cummins via the MCSC Google Classroom 2023. Details can be found in Compass news feed.
The subcommittees of our MCSC include:
Marina Walsh
Assistant Principal