Principal's Report
Assistant Principal Announcement
Principal's Report
Assistant Principal Announcement
On Friday of Week one, our community was struck with the announcement of Heather's exciting trip to Antarctica and her news of deciding to finish up at Abers. Whilst we are super excited about the adventures that lie ahead for Heather, we will also be very sad to see her go. Heather leaves behind a significant legacy that has always had the students at the centre. However, more on the farewells will be coming across the term. For the short term, our goal is to draw as much of the expertise and knowledge from Heather as we can before she finishes up at the end of Week Four.
So to do this, we have appointed an Acting Assistant Principal that has commenced their duties this term and, whilst there is a crossover they will be working closely with Heather through a thorough handover. Following a rigorous process, Erin McNamara was successfully appointed as our Acting Assistant Principal. Erin's tenure commenced at the start of this term and will continue through 2023. Please join me in congratulating Erin on her appointment.
As we transition into next year, the shape and structure of our schools staffing and leadership team will continue to evolve to reflect the strengths of the individuals in these roles. We look forward to sharing how this is all coming together later in the year.
We have such a huge term ahead of us, with so many events and exciting things ahead of us. So much so, it is very likely that we will have to have extra newsletters to get everything in.
Our success over the next 10 weeks will rely heavily upon the kindness and understanding of our amazing community, as we work towards concluding a highly successful year!
Thank you all for your ongoing support and contributions - in whatever shape or form they come in!